Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Chapter 5: Talents (part 1 of 3)


Version: 0.8

Notes: Talents with "OK" after their name are version 0.8. Anything without this tag is WIP and should be ignored. The focus is on Tier 1 and 2 talents, with some consideration given to Tier 3 as well. Tier 4 and 5 talents are WIP, even if tagged OK.

Chapter 5: Talents

Talents represent the specialized abilities that characters can develop to gain an edge in the dangerous world they inhabit. From combat prowess to social manipulation, and from the astral plane to the Matrix, talents define what makes a character truly formidable. As characters progress, they unlock higher tiers of talents, gaining access to more powerful abilities.

Talent Prerequisites

To pick a talent from a higher tier, you must have at least 1 talent from that group’s lower tiers. Some talents may have additional prerequisites, as detailed in their descriptions. Talents can provide both passive and active benefits, and their effects stack with other bonuses unless otherwise noted.

Group 1 Combat Instincts

Specializes in detecting threats, reacting quickly to danger, and gaining the upper hand in combat through superior awareness and reflexes.

Tier 1

Alertness OK

·         Description: The character has heightened awareness and is rarely surprised.

·         Effect: Gain Advantage on Awareness checks (usually the Vigilance skill, but for drone/Matrix/Astral combat, other skills are used) to avoid Surprise.

Combat Reflexes OK

·         Description: The character’s reflexes, honed through experience, give them an edge in combat.

·         Effect: Gain Advantage on Initiative checks.

Instinctive Reaction OK

·         Description: The character can act without thinking when caught off guard.

·         Effect: Gain a bonus Reaction during the first round of combat. You may use this Reaction even if you are Surprised (if you aren’t, you’ll have 2 Reactions during the first round of combat).

Tier 2

Danger Sense OK

·         Description: The character has developed an instinctual ability to sense danger.

·         Effect: At the start of the first round of combat, after rolling initiative, you may spend 1 Reaction and 3 Stamina to take 1 Move action or 1 Minor action. You may do this whether you are Surprised or not. If multiple combatants have this ability, resolve their actions in initiative order.

Dodge Roll OK

·         Description: The character can make a quick, evasive move to avoid incoming attacks.

·         Effect: Spend 1 Reaction and 5 Stamina to gain a +5 bonus to Dodge or Parry defense vs. one attack. You may decide to use this talent after the attacker makes the roll.

Focused Combatant OK

·         Description: The character can maintain focus even in chaotic situations.

·         Effect: When you attack (including Magic and Matrix attacks) as part of a Reaction, you gain Advantage.

Quick Eyes OK

·         Description: The character constantly scans his surroundings, taking in minute details with little effort.

·         Effect: You can make Active Perceptions check as Minor actions (instead of Major actions). Has no effect on Passive Perception checks. Examples of active perception include, but are not limited to, searching for clues (Investigation), scanning the surroundings for hidden enemies (Vigilance), peering into Astral (Awareness), or operating drone scanners (Sensors). It does not apply to social perception (Insight).

Tier 3

Evasion Mastery OK

·         Description: The character has mastered the art of evading attacks, allowing them to avoid danger more effectively.

·         Effect: Gain a +1 bonus to Dodge and Parry defense, and the Stamina cost of Dodge Roll is reduced to 3.

Killer Instincts OK

·         Description: The character can react swiftly and capitalize on surprise, dealing more damage to unsuspecting foes.

·         Effect: You have Advantage on attacks against Surprised opponents, and your attacks against surprised foes deal +1d6 damage.

Reactionary Attack OK

·         Description: The character is trained to strike back swiftly when attacked unexpectedly.

·         Effect: When using Danger Sense, if you spend 5 Stamina (instead of 3), you can take 1 Major action instead of Move or Minor. This effectively lets you attack even if you’re surprised (if you aren’t, you can still do this attack and then attack again during your normal first turn).

Tier 4

Ever Ready OK

·         Description: Your instincts are so honed that you cannot be surprised.

·         Effect: The character cannot be surprised.

Lightning Reflexes OK

·         Description:

·         Effect: Gain 1 additional Reaction each round.

Tier 5

Temporal Awareness OK

·         Description: The character’s heightened perception of time allows them to act multiple times in quick succession.

·         Effect: Spend 5 Stamina to gain 1 additional Major action during your turn. For each consecutive turn you use this ability, the stamina cost increases by 5 (so if you used it during the second round of combat for 5 stamina, it would cost 10 stamina to do it during the third round of combat).

·         Note: This ability can easily be combined with other action-granting talents, such as Reactionary Attack from this group or Flurry of Blows from Group 4.

Ultimate Predator OK

·         Description: Your reflexes and instincts have reached supernatural levels.

·         Effect: You always surprise your opponents unless they have Ever Ready or a similar ability.

Group 2 Tactical Insight

Tactical insight, battlefield control, and defensive maneuvers. Characters in this group gain advantages through superior planning, positioning, and commanding the battlefield.

Tier 1

Battlefield Awareness OK

·         Description: The character constantly monitors the battlefield, gaining insights into enemy tactics.

·         Effect: During combat, your Active Perception checks gain Advantage.

Combat Insight OK

·         Description: The character’s tactical mind allows them to anticipate enemy movements and react accordingly.

·         Effect: The first attack against you each round has Disadvantage.

Mobile Parry OK

·         Description: The character assumes a defensive stance, prepared to block incoming attacks.

·         Effect: Spend 1 Move or 1 Minor action to gain +2 bonus to Parry Defense for one round.

Tier 2

Cover Mastery OK

·         Description: The character has mastered the use of cover, gaining enhanced protection from enemy fire.

·         Effect: Half cover counts as Full cover for you, and you may fire while maintaining the benefits of Full cover without gaining Disadvantage.

Overwatch Expert OK

·         Description: The character can cover a wide area of the battlefield, attacking enemies who attempt to cross it.

·         Effect: Spend 1 Move or Minor action to enter Overwatch (instead of a Major action). Once per round, spend 1 Reaction to make an attack against an enemy who moves through your line of sight.

Tactical Awareness OK

·         Description: The character has a deep understanding of enemy tactics.

·         Effect: When making a ranged attack against a target without Cover, you gain Advantage.

Tier 3

Elusive Target OK

·         Description: The character has mastered the art of avoiding incoming attacks through precise positioning.

·         Effect: If you spent a Move action to move at least 10 meters this round, any area attack or BF/AF attack has Disadvantage against you until your next turn.

Field Commander OK

·         Description: The character can issue commands to allies, boosting their combat effectiveness.

·         Effect: As a Minor action, grant 1 ally within 30 meters Advantage on their next attack.

Tier 4

Flawless Defense

Description: The character can defend against incoming attacks with unparalleled precision and finesse.
Effect: For one round, you may automatically block or parry any one melee or ranged attack made against you.

Impenetrable Defense

Description: The character’s defensive abilities are so advanced that they can temporarily become immune to damage.
Effect: For one round, you are immune to all physical damage. This talent can only be used once per encounter.

Strategic Mastery

Description: The character’s tactical insight allows them to dominate the battlefield through perfect positioning and planning.
Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to all combat actions for one round after successfully flanking or using the battlefield to your advantage.

Tier 5

Master Tactician

·         Description: The character has developed a near-supernatural ability to anticipate enemy movements, countering their tactics perfectly.
Effect: For one round, gain Advantage on all combat rolls. Additionally, any enemy who attacks you suffers Disadvantage on their attack rolls.

Untouchable Defense

·         Description: The character’s defensive prowess reaches its peak, allowing them to evade or block all incoming attacks.

·         Effect: Spend 5 Stamina and 1 Major action. For one round, the character dodges or parries all attacks made against them.

Group 3 Weapon Mastery

Specializes in mastering weapon techniques, improving accuracy, damage, and critical hit potential. Characters in this group excel in using their chosen weapons to maximum effect, both defensively and offensively.

Tier 1

Armor Piercer OK

·         Description:

·         Effect: Reduce target’s PT by 2.

Weapon Specialist OK

·         Description: The character has dedicated their training to a specific weapon type.

·         Effect: Choose a specific weapon type (such as fists, katana, heavy pistol, SMG, or assault cannon). You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls when using the chosen weapon type.

·         Prerequisite for: Weapon Expert (Tier 2)

Tier 2

Critical Strike OK

·         Description: The character is trained to aim for vital spots, increasing the chances of landing a critical hit.

·         Effect: When doing a Called Shot, if your attack is a Solid or Perfect hit, do +1d6 damage (in addition to the +1d6 from the Called Shot and the +1d6/2d6 from Solid/Perfect hit).

Focused attack OK

·         Description: The character can focus their attacks on weak points in an enemy’s defense.

·         Effect: When making a melee attack, you may spend 1 Minor action to reduce the target’s Dodge or Parry defense by 2.

Weapon Expert OK

·         Description: The character has achieved proficiency with their chosen weapon, allowing for improved accuracy and damage.

·         Effect: Gain an additional +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with the weapon type chosen in Weapon Specialist.

·         Prerequisite: Weapon Specialist (Tier 1)

·         Prerequisite for: Weapon Supremacy (Tier 4)

Tier 3 Talents

Critical Chain OK

·         Description: The character’s skill with landing critical hits improves with each successful strike, increasing their effectiveness.

·         Effect: After a Solid or Perfect hit, if your next attack is a Called Shot, do not increase the TN of the attack.

Lethal Precision OK

·         Description: The character ensures that every critical hit they land deals the maximum possible damage.

·         Effect: A Solid or Perfect hit deals +1d6 damage (in addition to ordinary damage bonuses).

Power Throw OK

·         Description: The character can throw weapons or objects with great force, dealing significant damage even from a distance.

·         Effect: When attacking with a Thrown weapon, spend 1 Minor action to deal +2d6 damage. The attack has Disadvantage.

Tier 4 Talents

Living Armory OK

·         Description: The character has perfected the ability to switch between weapons effortlessly and strike with any weapon in hand.
Effect: You may switch between weapons as a Free Action, and you gain a +1 bonus to attacks with weapons of any type.

Weapon Supremacy OK

·         Description: The character has reached near-perfection with their chosen weapon, making them a formidable force.

·         Effect: You always gain Advantage and deal +1d6 damage with the weapon type chosen in Weapon Specialist.

·         Prerequisite: Weapon Mastery (Tier 2)

Tier 5 Talents

Paragon of Battle OK

·         Description: The character has achieved mastery over melee combat, making their strikes nearly unstoppable.

·         Effect: While making a melee attack, you may count all hits as Solid hits (Perfect hits are still perfect hits). 

True Strike OK

·         Description: The character’s strikes are so precise that they cannot miss, cutting through any defense.

·         Effect: Spend 1 Minor Action and 5 Stamina to automatically score a Perfect hit with your next attack, regardless of the target’s Defense. Armor and other abilities still apply normally.

Group 4 Close Quarters Combat

Specializes in melee combat, grappling, and defending in close quarters. Characters excel in controlling the battlefield through physical engagement and overpowering their opponents in hand-to-hand combat.

Tier 1

Close Combat Specialist OK

·         Description: The character excels in close combat, delivering swift and precise strikes in melee.

·         Effect: Gain a +1 bonus to attacks when using the Brawl or Melee skills.

Disarming Strike OK

·         Description: The character is skilled at removing weapons from the hands of their opponents.

·         Effect: You may spend 1 Move or Minor action (instead of a Major action) to attempt to Disarm an opponent engaged with you.

Master Grappler OK

·         Description: The character has honed their grappling skills.

·         Effect: You gain Advantage on all Grappling checks.

Power Strike OK

·         Description: The character can charge up a melee attack, dealing extra damage at the cost of speed.

·         Effect: Spend 1 Minor action to make your next melee attack deal +1d6 bonus damage. That attack has Disadvantage.

Quick Feint OK

·         Description: The character uses deceptive moves to trick opponents into leaving themselves open for an attack.

·         Effect: Spend 1 Move or Minor action to gain Advantage on your next melee attack (instead of a Major action) if you succeed at a Deception vs. Composure check.

Weapon Finesse OK

·         Description: The character’s skill with a weapon allows them to use agility instead of brute strength to land precise strikes.

·         Effect: You may use Agility instead of Strength for melee attack rolls, meaning your Brawl and Melee (Brawn) skills are based on 2x AG instead of ST/AG. Damage still scales from ST.

Tier 2 Talents

Focused Combatant OK

·         Description: The character is trained to resist attempts to disarm or overpower them in combat.

·         Effect: Opponents have Disadvantage when targeting you with melee attack options such as Disarm, Feint, or Grapple.

Knockback Strike OK

·         Description: The character’s powerful strikes can send enemies flying backward.

·         Effect: Spend 1 Minor Action to power your next melee attack. If you hit, you may knock an opponent back 2 meters. Add +2 meters for a solid hit and +4 meters for a perfect hit.

Lunge OK

·         Description:

·         Effect: Spend 2 Stamina to increase the Reach of your melee attacks (including unarmed attacks) by +2 meters for one round. If you have longer Reach than your opponent, your attacks have Advantage.

·         Note: Lunge has synergy with several other talents, such as Sweeping Attack and Fluid Movements in this talent group.

Sweeping Attack OK

·         Description: The character performs wide strikes, capable of hitting multiple opponents simultaneously.

·         Effect: Spend 1 Minor action before you make a melee attack. If you do, if you hit with the attack, you may make a melee attack using the same weapon against an opponent adjacent to the original target.

Swift Strike OK

·         Description: The character’s speed and precision allow them to strike quickly and effectively.

·         Effect: Spend 1 Minor action and 3 Stamina to gain an extra melee attack this round. This additional attack has Disadvantage.

Tier 3 Talents

Counterattack OK

·         Description: The character can immediately counterstrike after successfully defending against an attack.

·         Effect: After defending against a melee attack, you may spend 1 Reaction to make an immediate counterattack.

Crushing Grip OK

·         Description: The character’s grappling techniques allow them to deal significant damage.

·         Effect: While grappling, you deal +2d6 damage to restrained targets.

Fluid Movements OK

·         Description: The character moves fluidly between multiple enemies, striking with precision and grace.

·         Effect: Spend 1 Minor action and 3 Stamina to make up to 3 melee attacks against different targets within your Reach +2 meters (your Reach is not increased, but you can attack beyond your normal Reach). Each attack after the first has Disadvantage.

Master Duelist OK

·         Description: The character excels in one-on-one combat, gaining bonuses when fighting a single opponent.

·         Effect: Gain Advantage on melee attacks when engaged with only one enemy. That enemy has Disadvantage on melee attacks against you.

Tier 4 Talents

Combat Mastery OK

·         Description: The character has reached the pinnacle of melee combat skill.

·         Effect: You gain Advantage on all melee attacks.

Stunning Blows OK

·         Description: The character delivers a strike that temporarily incapacitates or disorients their opponent.

·         Effect: On a successful melee attack, if the target suffers any damage, the target must make a Resilience check or become Stunned (cannot take Major actions) for one round.

Tier 5 Talents

Flurry of Blows OK

·         Description: The character’s prowess in combat is so great that they can engage multiple opponents with ease.

·         Effect: Gain an extra Major action during each round of combat, which can only be used for melee attacks.

Unstoppable Blows OK

·         Description: The character’s melee attacks are so powerful that they are nearly impossible to resist.

·         Effect: Reduce target’s PT by 5 and DR by 20.

Group 5 Ranged Combat Expertise

Tier 1

Fast Hands OK

·         Description: You can swiftly draw a weapon or other piece of equipment in one fluid motion.

·         Effect: You may reload or ready (draw) a weapon (or other piece of easily accessible kit) as a Minor action (instead of a Major action).

Fire Discipline OK

·         Description: You’ve learned to conserve ammunition, only firing for effect rather than spraying and praying.

·         Effect: When using automatic weapons, your attacks consume less ammunition (1 point for BF and 2 for AF, instead of the normal 2 and 5).

Precise Aim OK

·         Description: The character focuses on targeting vital spots, delivering precise and deadly shots.

·         Effect: When making a Called Shot, you may spend 1 Minor action to avoid suffering Disadvantage on that attack.

Sharpshooter OK

·         Description: The character is highly skilled in hitting targets with precision from a distance.

·         Effect: Spend 1 Minor action to gain Advantage on a SA attack with a Ranged (Precision) weapon.

Tier 2

Aim for the Gap OK

·         Description: The character’s shots are highly effective against heavily armored foes.

·         Effect: When making a Called Shot against targets wearing heavy or reinforced armor, reduce TP by 5.

Double Tap OK

·         Description: The character fires two successive shots with pinpoint accuracy.

·         Effect: When attacking with a SA weapon, you may spend 1 Minor action to do +1d6 damage.

Piercing Shot OK

·         Description: The character can fire a powerful shot that penetrates through armor or multiple targets.

·         Effect: Your SA (single shot) attacks ignore 10 points of DR.

Sniper’s Patience OK

·         Description: The character takes their time to line up the perfect shot, dramatically improving accuracy.

·         Effect: You may spend 1 Move action to gain 1 additional Minor action this turn. This Minor action must be used toward making a ranged attack or triggering a talent in this group.

Tier 3 Talents

Bullseye OK

·         Description: The character can target weak points with incredible precision, bypassing defenses.

·         Effect: When making a ranged SA on a solid hit, the shot ignores 5 PT; on a perfect hit, the shot ignores 10 PT.

Rapid Fire OK

·         Description: The character is trained to fire multiple shots in quick succession without losing accuracy.

·         Effect: Your ranged BF/AF attacks do +1d6 damage, but use double the normal ammo. If you have the Fire Discipline talent, you use the normal amount of ammo for that attack instead.

Tier 4 Talents

Hail of Fire OK

·         Description: The character unleashes a flurry of projectiles, hitting multiple enemies in a short time.

·         Effect: When attacking with a BF/AF weapon, you do +1d6 damage per hit.

·         Prerequisite for: Storm of Fire (Tier 5)

Perfect Shot OK

·         Description: The character’s accuracy is so refined that they never miss their target.

·         Effect: Your ranged SA attacks ignore cover and obstacles (but not Defenses or special abilities).

Tier 5 Talents

Sniper’s Eye OK

·         Description: The character’s understanding of anatomy and shot placement allows them to score critical hits effortlessly.

·         Effect: When making ranged SA attacks, any injuries you cause are increased by 1 level of severity.

Storm of Fire OK

·         Description: The character fires a massive barrage of projectiles, overwhelming their enemies with sheer firepower.

·         Effect: When attacking with a BF/AF weapon, you do +1d6 damage per hit.

·         Prerequisite: Hail of Fire (Tier 4)