Thursday, September 5, 2024

Personnel File: Mr. Black


Name: Mr. Black (real name unknown)

Role: Fixer
Location: Primarily operates out of the Redmond Barrens


Mr. Black is a shadowy figure with deep roots in the underworld of Seattle. He has built a strong reputation as a reliable and discreet fixer, especially among those operating in the Redmond Barrens. He primarily conducts business out of the Black Wolf, a club located in the Redmond Safe Zone—a part of the Barrens that is only safe for those who know the right people. Regulars at the club know that Mr. Black can often be found in the Wolf's Lair, a private and secure area located in the basement, where he conducts important business away from prying eyes.

Mr. Black is well-connected, particularly among those who live on the edges of legality. He deals in discretion and results, making him a go-to figure for those who need subtle operations done. Despite the dangers of the shadows, Mr. Black insists on meeting clients face-to-face for significant deals—an old-fashioned approach in a world dominated by remote communication.

Physical Appearance:

Mr. Black is just under six feet and appears somewhat underweight. His physical appearance is not particularly striking—he isn’t attractive by conventional standards—but he makes up for what he lacks in looks with an undeniable presence. His eyes bore into those he speaks to, and his smile can be disarming, making even the most wary feel at ease.

He dresses in fine black suits, though he doesn’t wear them as well as some of his corporate counterparts. The way the clothes hang on him suggests a man who has lived a hard life, one whose past—likely filled with poverty and struggle—still shines through the polished surface. Even so, his suits, though slightly ill-fitting, are always immaculately clean, a reflection of his desire to present himself as more refined than his surroundings might suggest.

Personality and Mannerisms:

Mr. Black’s old-fashioned values make him a bit of an anomaly in the fast-paced world of 2097. He insists on meeting people in person for important business, shaking hands both in greeting and when sealing a deal. His way of doing business is formal and direct, a stark contrast to the anonymity and virtual exchanges so common in the shadows. This hands-on approach makes him feel trustworthy to some, though others find his insistence on face-to-face meetings somewhat unsettling in a world where no one wants to be seen.

Despite his formal manner, Mr. Black is approachable and calm, able to navigate tense situations with a sense of control. His preference for direct, personal contact makes him one of the more reliable fixers in the Barrens, as he believes in building genuine connections. He carries himself with a quiet dignity and confidence that can only come from a lifetime of surviving the shadows.

Base of Operations:

Mr. Black operates out of the Black Wolf, a nightclub located in the Redmond Safe Zone. The Safe Zone itself is known for being a relative haven amidst the chaos of the Barrens, but the safety there depends on knowing the right people—and Mr. Black is certainly one of those people. The club caters to a wide range of clientele, from small-time operators to larger players in the shadowrunning world.

Mr. Black usually conducts business from the club's basement, in a private section known as the Wolf’s Lair. The Lair is known for its privacy, offering a secure environment for sensitive negotiations and delicate deals. Only those with trusted connections are granted access to this area, making it one of the few truly safe places for Mr. Black and his clients to operate in the Barrens.


Mr. Black’s network stretches across various sectors of the Metroplex, but his strongest ties are within the Redmond Barrens and its surrounding areas. He is known for his ability to connect shadowrunners with the right jobs, offering a wide range of opportunities from small-time gigs to more intricate, high-stakes missions. Despite his low-profile nature, Mr. Black’s influence is far-reaching, with contacts ranging from street-level gangs to mid-tier corporate insiders.

Mr. Black maintains a long-standing relationship with TB. Mr. Black is one of the few remaining links to TB's earlier days in Redmond, and while their relationship is primarily business-related, there is an undercurrent of mutual respect. Mr. Black has provided TB with numerous jobs and guidance over the years, helping him survive and thrive in the shadows.


Known for his reliability, professionalism, and discretion, Mr. Black has earned the trust of many who operate in Seattle’s shadow community. His anachronistic approach to business—emphasizing face-to-face contact and formal handshake agreements—sets him apart from other fixers, making him memorable to those who work with him. Though his methods may seem old-fashioned, they have earned him a reputation as a fixer who is both trustworthy and effective.

Many speak of Mr. Black with a mixture of respect and curiosity, as his past and personal life remain shrouded in mystery. He is known to deal with shadowrunners and others on the edges of society, but his connections run deeper than many realize. Some who have crossed paths with him describe him as a man with “an old soul,” but others are unsettled by how much he seems to know—and how easily he blends into the shadows when it suits him.

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