Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Personnel File: Vanya


Name: Vanya

Role: Combat Mage
Location: Seattle Shadowrunner Circuit


Vanya is an elf originally from Portland, Oregon, where she earned a reputation as a powerful and aggressive combat mage. Her career was on the rise until a disastrous shadowrun went wrong, leading to multiple casualties, including both teammates and civilians. The incident forced her to flee Portland and seek a new start in Seattle. Now, Vanya operates in the shadows of Seattle, trying to escape the failures of her past and rebuild her reputation.

Vanya’s chosen street name is ironic—Vanya can mean "gift from God" in some languages, but her nature is far from graceful. She uses raw destructive magic to solve her problems, not caring much for finesse or subtlety. Her past remains a closely guarded secret, and she avoids discussing what happened in Portland, although the scars—both emotional and physical—are clear.

Personality and Mannerisms:

Vanya is blunt and pragmatic, never one for small talk or sugar-coating her words. She relies on directness and dry sarcasm to keep people at a distance. Her combat style reflects her personality—aggressive and reckless, relying on overwhelming force rather than precision. Despite her cold exterior, Vanya values loyalty, and when earned, she becomes a fierce protector of her team.

Though she keeps people at arm’s length, she’s often seen quietly observing her surroundings, especially reading magical auras with her keen assensing abilities. Vanya rarely lets her emotional guard down, though it’s clear that the botched job in Portland still haunts her.


Vanya is well-connected in Seattle’s shadowrunning circles, particularly with fixers and mercenaries who respect her raw power. Her no-nonsense approach makes her a reliable hire for those looking for brute force magic. She has crossed paths with several local runners, though her reserved nature prevents her from building strong personal ties.

One of her key contacts in Seattle is Mr. Black, a fixer who appreciates her skills despite her combat recklessness. She also has a growing working relationship with TB, though they remain distant, likely due to Vanya’s reluctance to get close to anyone.


Vanya is known for her destructive magic and combat prowess, especially with fire-based spells and mana attacks. Her willingness to cause collateral damage has earned her a reputation as both a powerful ally and a dangerous liability. Locally, she’s recognized for her cold demeanor and professionalism, but rumors about the failed Portland run follow her.

For now, she’s trying to rebuild her name in Seattle, though her past and emotional baggage remain constant shadows over her future.

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