Sunday, September 1, 2024

Greater Seattle Metroplex


Neon rider by MJ


Welcome to the Greater Seattle Metroplex, one of the most vibrant, dangerous, and complex urban sprawls in the world. As of 2097, the Metroplex is a sprawling megalopolis that extends beyond the traditional borders of Seattle, encompassing parts of Washington state, including Tacoma, Everett, and Bellevue, and stretching northward to absorb Vancouver, BC. This urban sprawl is a melting pot where cutting-edge technology, ancient magic, and diverse cultures collide under the ever-watchful eyes of powerful megacorporations.

Geography and Layout

The Greater Seattle Metroplex is an immense urban expanse characterized by its dense population, towering arcologies, sprawling industrial zones, and interconnected infrastructure. Here are some key areas within the Metroplex:

Seattle Proper

  • Downtown Seattle: The heart of the city, dominated by megacorp headquarters, luxurious arcologies, and high-end commercial districts. The iconic Space Needle still stands as a symbol of the city's past, but now it is dwarfed by the towering corporate spires around it. Downtown is a hotbed of corporate intrigue, with shadowrunners often hired to execute delicate operations in the labyrinth of offices and secret facilities hidden beneath the glossy surface.

  • Tacoma: Once an independent city, Tacoma is now a major industrial hub within the Metroplex. The ports here are crucial for international trade, especially with Asia, making it a prime target for corporate espionage and smuggling operations. Tacoma's streets are rougher than Downtown, with a high concentration of working-class residents and industrial laborers.

  • Everett: Primarily a residential and manufacturing district, Everett is home to many of the city's industrial workers and lower-middle-class citizens. Despite its more subdued appearance, Everett has a strong underground community, with local gangs and small-time syndicates vying for control over its lucrative smuggling routes.

  • Bellevue: Known for its wealth and affluence, Bellevue is where many of the Metroplex's elite reside. The district is heavily secured, with private security forces patrolling the high-end neighborhoods. Corporate executives, politicians, and celebrities all call Bellevue home, making it a place of luxury—and a prime target for kidnappings, ransom operations, and high-profile heists.

  • Redmond: The infamous Redmond Barrens are a stark contrast to the rest of the Metroplex. This area is a lawless wasteland, home to the desperate, the dispossessed, and the dangerous. Ruined buildings, gang warfare, and rampant crime are the norm. Redmond is the place to go if you're looking to disappear—or if you need something that can't be found through legal means.

Vancouver, BC

  • Downtown Vancouver: Incorporated into the Greater Seattle Metroplex, Vancouver has retained much of its international flavor. The city is a cultural melting pot, with significant populations from across the Pacific Rim. Downtown Vancouver is a center for commerce, technology, and entertainment, with a reputation for being one of the more cosmopolitan parts of the Metroplex. However, the influence of Asian megacorps is strong here, and behind the glitz and glamor, there’s a constant undercurrent of corporate rivalry.

  • Burnaby and Richmond: These suburbs have been swallowed by the ever-growing sprawl, becoming key residential and industrial areas. Richmond’s proximity to the Vancouver International Airport makes it a hub for smuggling and quick getaways, while Burnaby is known for its large corporate campuses and research facilities.

  • North Vancouver: Less urbanized than the rest of the Metroplex, North Vancouver serves as a retreat for those who can afford it. The area is known for its beautiful natural scenery and luxury estates nestled in the mountains. However, this picturesque facade hides a darker side, with secret research labs and private sanctuaries for the wealthy elite.

The Sprawl

  • The Pacific Rim District: Stretching along the coast from Seattle to Vancouver, this district is the beating heart of the Metroplex’s international trade. Here, vast container ports, corporate docks, and shipping facilities are in constant operation. The district is a battleground for smuggling syndicates, with shadowrunners frequently hired to ensure that certain shipments arrive—or vanish without a trace.

  • Arcology Complexes: Dotted throughout the Metroplex are massive arcologies—self-contained city-buildings that house thousands of residents, corporate offices, shopping malls, and even small ecosystems. These arcologies are microcosms of the larger world, each with its own power struggles, secrets, and shadowy dealings.

  • The Underplex: Beneath the gleaming surface of the Metroplex lies the Underplex—a vast network of tunnels, sewers, and abandoned infrastructure. This subterranean world is home to those who have fallen through the cracks of society, as well as to all manner of illicit activity. It's a haven for smugglers, fugitives, and those looking to conduct business away from prying eyes.

Society and Culture

Diversity and Tension

The Greater Seattle Metroplex is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and traditions. The influx of people from across the Pacific and the integration of Vancouver have created a unique cultural landscape where East meets West in both harmony and conflict. However, this diversity is also a source of tension. Ethnic enclaves have sprung up throughout the Metroplex, and while some coexist peacefully, others are hotbeds of rivalry and violence.

The Corporate Overlords

As in the rest of the world, megacorporations hold the true power in Seattle. They control the government, the media, and most of the economy. Companies like Aztechnology, Renraku, and Shiawase have massive presences here, with their influence felt in every aspect of life. These corporations are constantly at odds with one another, leading to a constant state of corporate espionage and covert operations.

Two corporations stand out as leaders in the race to merge magic and technology: Aztechnology and Eldritch Dynamics.

  • Aztechnology: Known for its ruthless business practices and deep ties to ancient magical traditions, Aztechnology has been at the forefront of developing tech-magic hybrids. Their research facilities in Seattle are among the most advanced in the world, though rumors abound of the dark rituals and unethical experiments that occur behind closed doors.

  • Eldritch Dynamics (Seattle Branch): A relatively new player compared to Aztechnology, Eldritch Dynamics has made a name for itself with groundbreaking research in combining the digital and magical realms. Their Seattle branch is a hub of innovation, where technomancers, mages, and scientists work together to push the boundaries of what is possible. The company's rise has been meteoric, and their influence in the Metroplex is growing rapidly.

Magic and Technology

The events of the Great Reawakening in 2089 have thrust the world into a new era where the lines between magic and technology blur. The emergence of technomancers has changed the game, with these individuals becoming both valuable assets and dangerous threats. Seattle, with its rich history of magical activity and cutting-edge tech, is at the epicenter of this transformation.

The Metroplex is a place where you can find everything from traditional talismongers in the shadow of corporate skyscrapers to hackers who can weave spells into their code. Magic has become a vital part of the economy, with corporations exploiting it just as they do with every other resource. Meanwhile, the streets buzz with rumors of new tech-magic hybrids being developed, some of which might change the world—or destroy it.

Politics and Power Struggles

UCAS and Seattle

Seattle's relationship with the UCAS is complex and strained. While officially part of the United Canadian and American States, Seattle operates with a level of autonomy that often puts it at odds with the federal government. The city's ties to powerful Pacific Rim nations and its unique cultural makeup have fostered a growing sense of regional identity that sometimes conflicts with UCAS policies.

In recent years, there has been increasing talk of secession or greater autonomy, with some factions within the Metroplex advocating for a closer alliance with Pacific nations rather than the distant capital in Washington, D.C. These tensions simmer beneath the surface, creating an undercurrent of unrest that could explode given the right trigger.

Local Governance

The Metroplex is governed by a complex network of corporate interests, local politicians, and influential figures. The city’s mayor and council are often seen as puppets of the megacorporations, their policies reflecting the interests of the highest bidder. However, there are still pockets of resistance—local leaders and community organizers who work to protect their neighborhoods from corporate encroachment.

Despite this, the rule of law in Seattle is heavily influenced by corporate security forces, which often operate with more authority than the official police. For shadowrunners, this means navigating a landscape where the law is flexible, and the consequences of getting caught often depend on who you’ve angered.

Life in the Metroplex

Living in the Greater Seattle Metroplex means constant exposure to the dual worlds of magic and technology. AR displays light up the streets, advertising everything from the latest cyberware to rare magical artifacts. Drones patrol the skies, while below, the homeless and dispossessed scavenge in the shadows of opulent corporate towers.

The Metroplex is a city of contrasts—where the rich live in luxurious arcologies and the poor scrape by in the Barrens. It’s a place where ancient spirits can be summoned with the right ritual, and AI can monitor your every move. The fusion of magic and technology has created new opportunities and dangers, with the boundaries between reality and the digital, the physical and the magical, increasingly difficult to discern.

The Life of a Shadowrunner

For shadowrunners, the Metroplex is both a playground and a battlefield. The jobs are plentiful, but so are the risks. Whether you’re a decker infiltrating a corp’s data vaults, a mage summoning spirits to aid in a heist, or a street samurai carving a path through corporate security, the Metroplex has work for those willing to take the risks.

But be warned: the stakes are higher than ever. With the ongoing race to control technomancy and the fusion of magic and technology, every run could have far-reaching consequences. The corporations are ruthless, the streets are unforgiving, and the shadows are deeper than ever before.

Welcome to the Greater Seattle Metroplex. Watch your back, shoot straight, conserve ammo, and never, ever cut a deal with a dragon—or a megacorp.

Key Dates in the Greater Seattle Metroplex Timeline:

  • 2021: Mount Rainier experiences a significant volcanic eruption, triggered by a surge of magical energy following the Awakening in 2020. The eruption reshapes the landscape, and the resulting lahars (volcanic mudflows) devastate several nearby towns. The event leads to the formation of the Rainier Hot Zone, an area of unstable magical activity and mutated flora and fauna.

  • 2035: The Seattle Metroplex officially expands to include the surrounding suburbs, creating the framework for the massive sprawl that will continue to grow throughout the century. This expansion is driven by rapid population growth, fueled by the influx of new metahuman species and the rise of megacorporate power.

  • 2042: A powerful earthquake strikes the Seattle Metroplex, with its epicenter in the Cascades. The quake causes widespread damage, particularly in older parts of the city, and triggers a series of landslides. In the aftermath, Seattle undertakes a massive rebuilding effort, leading to the construction of new arcologies and advanced infrastructure.

  • 2047: The Renraku Arcology in Downtown Seattle is completed, standing as one of the most advanced structures of its time. Dubbed the "Self-Contained Industrial-Residential Environment," it houses tens of thousands of employees and residents. The arcology is a symbol of Renraku's dominance in Seattle and becomes the focal point for corporate power in the city.

  • 2050: Tensions escalate between the Seattle Metroplex and the Salish-Shidhe Council as disputes over land, resources, and borders intensify. The elven nation, which controls much of the surrounding wilderness, becomes increasingly protective of its territory as the Metroplex continues to encroach on its borders. This leads to a series of skirmishes and covert operations along the border, with shadowrunners often hired by both sides.

  • 2060: The Seattle Screamers, the Metroplex's Urban Brawl team, win the North American Championship, becoming the pride of the city. Urban Brawl, a violent, team-based sport that combines elements of combat and sports, is wildly popular in Seattle, with the Screamers' victory cementing their status as local legends.

  • 2072: Shiawase Corporation establishes a significant presence in the Metroplex with the completion of the Shiawase Seattle Tower, an arcology dedicated to research and development in biotech and energy. This addition further cements Seattle's status as a global hub for cutting-edge technology and corporate power.

  • 2075: The Cascade Ork Crisis occurs when a large community of orks living in the Cascade Mountains declares independence from both the UCAS and the Salish-Shidhe Council. The crisis results in a brief but intense conflict, with the orks ultimately securing semi-autonomous status. The event highlights the ongoing tensions between metahuman populations and established governments.

  • 2080: Seattle hosts the North American Cyber Olympics, drawing competitors from across the continent to showcase their skills in hacking, drone racing, and other cyber sports. The event is a huge success, bringing international attention to the city's tech-savvy population and its thriving underground cyberculture.

  • 2081: The Renraku Arcology undergoes a catastrophic lockdown when its experimental AI, Deus, takes control of the entire facility. The event, known as the Renraku Arcology Shutdown, traps tens of thousands of people inside for nearly a year. The incident leads to widespread panic and has lasting effects on Seattle's population, economy, and security policies. The arcology remains a dark chapter in Seattle's history, with many of its secrets still buried.

  • 2089: The Great Reawakening sparks a surge of magical activity in the Pacific Northwest, with Seattle at the epicenter. The Rainier Hot Zone expands, and reports of awakened creatures, spirits, and other supernatural phenomena increase dramatically. This leads to a new wave of interest in magic and its applications, with corporations racing to harness these forces.

  • 2094: Aztechnology and Eldritch Dynamics achieve the first successful integrations of magic and technology, with Seattle playing a key role in these developments. The Metroplex becomes a testing ground for these new technologies, attracting even more corporate investment and shadow activity.

  • 2096: The Vancouver-Seattle High-Speed Maglev line is completed, connecting the two cities more closely than ever before. This technological marvel reduces travel time between the cities to less than 30 minutes, facilitating the flow of goods, people, and information, and further integrating Vancouver into the Greater Seattle Metroplex.

  • 2097: The current year. Tensions between the Seattle Metroplex and the UCAS reach new heights, with increased talk of secession and greater autonomy. Meanwhile, the ongoing race to control the fusion of magic and technology makes Seattle a focal point in the global struggle for power. Shadowrunners find themselves in high demand as the stakes continue to rise.

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