Wednesday, September 18, 2024

TB’s Journal - March 4-5, 2097


TB’s Journal

Monday, March 4, 2097

Morning was a blur of motion—up at dawn to rouse the team. Tag was already up, of course, tinkering with something I didn’t understand but nodded at anyway. Vanya, not a morning person, but she gets it together when it counts. Eclipse? Still holed up in Tag’s Redmond flat with Kate. I hope they don't set the place on fire.

Omar "Hicks" arrived right on time with the limo, his perpetual scowl suggesting he’d rather be anywhere else. He always looks like that. We hit the Skyway Elite agency to pick up the models: Serj, Luna, and Mira, all primed and ready for the cameras. JJ was there too, buzzing around with his usual energy, coordinating the support staff and logistics. Seemed almost too cheerful for this time of day, but that’s JJ for you.

We rolled out in three vehicles: limo for the stars, van for the gear, and a mini-bus for the extra bodies. It was a damn parade through the city, drawing eyes even in the early hours. Made it to the chartered ferry without a hitch. There were about 350 people on board, mostly models and their entourages. A sea of perfectly styled hair and designer outfits.

The journey to Vancouver Island took an hour and a half. Rough seas and rain, but it’s a modern ship, so no one’s spilling their soy lattes. First encounter with the Aztechnology security team. There’s something about their crew that sets my teeth on edge. Zara Coatl caught my eye—thought she was just another snake shaman at first glance, all elegance and cold, controlled demeanor. Later, it hit me: she’s no shaman. This woman’s an exec. Her presence radiates authority, and the security detail surrounding her is the real deal. I’d need to keep an eye on her.

Once we hit Victoria, the first order of business was checking out the Queen Victoria Hotel, where we’d be staying. It’s a big, modern place downtown, bustling with models, execs, their retinues, and enough security to arm a small nation. The lobby alone was like a fashion show. We swept the place physically, with Tag’s drones covering the exterior and public areas, while I did a magical sweep and Vanya checked for any astral irregularities. Everything seemed in order. Eclipse plugged into the Matrix remotely and confirmed the hotel’s security protocols were tight, with no suspicious anomalies or unauthorized accesses. Looked like we were good to go.

After settling in, we got some downtime. Took the chance to get to know some of the models and staff. Place was buzzing with excitement, but there was an undercurrent of tension. Could be the weather, could be the Aztechnology presence. Whatever it was, it kept me on edge.

Got a chance to take Luna for a walk through Victoria in the rain. Well, more like dragged her on a whirlwind tour through the downpour. Windy, wet, and... well, it was a bit more hands-on than I’d planned. Ratings spiked, so I guess it worked out. Back on the ferry, JJ’s disapproving look followed me like a shadow. Sorry, buddy, but this is what they pay me for.

Had a call with Evie in the evening. She gave me a heads-up about a big Aztechnology deal going down—something massive in Tacoma. I needed to move fast. Contacted Renraku Private Banking and got a loan approved, then looped in Mr. Black. I’d rather trust him with the money than the banks. He’s got a way of making things disappear into the right places. Passed it on to one of his shell companies for investment. All very hush-hush. Hope it pans out.

Nothing much else happened. Crashed early in the plush hotel room. Tomorrow, the real work begins.

Tuesday, March 5, 2097

The weather turned, and so did the mood. Much better day, clear skies, and perfect for the outdoor shoots. Spent the day following the models around. I assigned myself to Mira’s detail—JJ gave me a look, but I ignored it. Played the role of the “stalker fan,” creating just enough tension to keep her simsense ratings high. The end-of-day edit will probably make it look like she fell to my advances. All part of the job.

Another call with Evie. The deal’s signed, sealed, and Aztechnology has dropped a staggering 250 billion nuyen on the Tacoma waterfront. That’s a power play if I’ve ever seen one. It’s going to transform the area, especially Ironview, where a few of us—Evie, Mr. Black, and yours truly—just happen to own a few properties now. Let the corps make us rich. Timing is everything.

Evening rolled around, and I decided to hit the gym. Needed to burn off some energy after playing babysitter all day. Walked in to find Zara Coatl already there, working out like she had something to prove. I’ve seen a lot of execs try to keep in shape, but this was different. There’s an intensity to her that doesn’t fit the corporate mold.

We exchanged pleasantries—turns out she’s more personable than I expected, but still guarded. Talked a bit about the island, the event, small talk, really. But every word felt like it was weighed and measured. She knew who I was, who I worked for, and probably half of what I’ve been up to since I got here. Felt like I was being sized up, and not in the fun way.

Right after, Temoc walked in, and the atmosphere shifted. A challenge, unspoken but clear. We squared off, and it was on. I’ve fought a lot of people, but Temoc’s on another level. It wasn’t just skill—it was animalistic, feral. We went at it hard, exchanging blows and techniques. He’s powerful, fast, and there’s something primal in the way he fights. The sparring turned into a bit of a show, drawing attention from the few others in the gym, including Zara.

The fight ended in a draw, both of us drenched in sweat and grinning like idiots. I felt alive, like every nerve was buzzing. Zara gave us an approving nod, and I got the feeling I’d just passed some kind of test. Later, she mentioned in passing that she’s the one who signed the big deal. She’s got the aura of someone who’s used to being the smartest person in the room, and I get the feeling she’s playing a much deeper game than anyone realizes.

Back at the hotel, I met up with Tag and Vanya for some late-night teambuilding. Feels great to be back in the game, even if the stakes keep getting higher.

The week’s only just started. We’ll see how deep this rabbit hole goes.

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