Thursday, September 5, 2024

Personnel File: Green


Name: Green (real name unknown)

Role: Bouncer
Location: Black Wolf club, Redmond Safe Zone


Green is a long-time bouncer at the Black Wolf club, where he handles security and keeps the peace among the club’s varied and sometimes unruly clientele. Known for his distinctive green skin resulting from a rare medical condition, Green stands out even among Seattle's diverse metahuman population. His unusual appearance has made him somewhat of a local figure in the Redmond Safe Zone, though he’s known more for his reliability and toughness than his looks.

Despite his imposing figure and solid work as a bouncer, Green struggles with multiple severe contact allergies that leave his skin perpetually irritated, itchy, and often scabbed. This has led him to adopt a somewhat gruff demeanor, though those who know him well understand that his short temper often comes from constant discomfort rather than any real malice.

Personality and Mannerisms:

Green is a no-nonsense type who takes his job seriously. He always focuses on maintaining order at the Black Wolf, ensuring that even the more dangerous patrons behave themselves. While he's generally gruff and speaks in short, to-the-point sentences, he’s loyal to those who earn his trust and shows surprising patience when it comes to his niece, Tag, a minor shadowrunner and rigger.

Though he doesn't often get involved in the club's higher-level dealings, Green's presence is enough to keep most troublemakers in line. Beneath his rough exterior, he cares deeply for his family and makes sure to look out for his niece whenever possible.


Green’s main tie to the shadow community comes through his niece, Tag. While Green prefers to keep out of shadowrunner business, he occasionally uses his position at the club to keep an eye on Tag or pull her out of a bad situation. This familial loyalty makes Green a quiet but steady supporter of his niece's endeavors.


Green is respected among the Black Wolf regulars for his work ethic and ability to de-escalate trouble (and crack heads when needed). While not as connected or influential as the club’s higher-ups, he is known for his unwavering presence at the door and his ability to handle most situations without breaking a sweat.

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