Thursday, September 19, 2024

TB’s Journal - March 7, 2097


TB’s Journal

Thursday, March 7, 2097

Up early again, still shaking off yesterday’s grove weirdness. The models are quiet too, probably still processing it all. Whatever happened, it’s left everyone a little on edge. No time to dwell on it, though; we had to get to the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve for the Swimming with Leviathans event.

It was perfect—clear blue skies, a gentle breeze, and the island was in full spring bloom. Flowers everywhere, the air filled with the scent of blossoms and the sounds of birds singing. Vancouver Island was showing off, and it felt like the whole world was waking up after a long winter. The models were chatting excitedly, soaking up the beauty around them. Even Vanya seemed less tense.

The Pacific Ocean stretched out in front of us, calm and endless, with waves gently lapping at the shore. The event crew had set up a temporary facility on the beach, complete with VR immersion tanks and viewing pods. The models slipped into their VR suits, sleek and high-tech, designed to capture every move and emotion. Their job was to make the experience as real as possible for the viewers, to convince them they were actually swimming with these massive, mythical creatures. It’s harder than it sounds, even with post-production magic.

Just as we were getting set up, Evie called. She didn’t get the job at Skyway Elite. I knew she was bummed, especially since I’d put in a good word with JJ to get her the interview. She didn’t say it, but I could hear the frustration in her voice. I tried to cheer her up, saying she’d find something better and that Skyway wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. She didn’t sound convinced, but at least she didn’t seem too down. She’s tough; I know she’ll bounce back.

Then it was showtime. The models moved through the water, their suits capturing every detail. And just as they were getting into the flow of things, it happened: three actual leviathans surfaced in the distance, their massive forms cutting through the water like ancient gods. Everyone on the crew was stunned, staring in awe at these majestic creatures.

But then, out of nowhere, a massive sea serpent—something no one had ever seen before—appeared. It coiled around one of the leviathans and dragged it down into the depths. It was a breathtaking, terrifying sight, and the models didn’t miss a beat. They turned that raw, real fear into one hell of a performance. The crew caught everything, and I knew the post-production team would have a field day with the footage.

After the event, we headed back to Victoria, the models buzzing with excitement. The shoot had gone better than anyone could have hoped. The island’s beauty, the perfect weather, and the leviathans had created something truly special.

Back at the hotel, Evie called again. This time, her voice was different—excited, almost disbelieving. She’d just been made a partner at her firm. I was happy for her, genuinely, but I couldn’t help but wonder if Zara had something to do with it. The timing was too perfect, and I wouldn’t put it past Zara to pull some strings. Still, I didn’t mention my suspicions to Evie. I congratulated her, told her she deserved it, and we made plans to celebrate when I got back.

The models—minus Serj, who’s too big for the suits—went to see Temoc for their VR flying suit fitting and flight training. Watching them, you could tell the excitement was building. Tomorrow they’d be flying over the island, and it was going to be something spectacular.

Then JJ shows up, practically losing his mind. Someone bought Skyway Elite, snapping up a majority of the A shares. He wasn’t even aware the company was for sale. It took a while to calm him down. I told him it’s probably just business, nothing to worry about, and it could be an opportunity for all of us. That seemed to settle him, at least for now.

Later that night, I met Zara in the gym. It didn’t take long for her to confirm what I’d suspected—it was her who bought out Skyway. Should have guessed it earlier. We worked out a bit, more talking than training, really. We discussed Seattle, Redmond, the modelling business, the deal, everything. There’s something about her that makes you feel like you’re the only one in the room, even when it’s just a gym. Then the session turned into something else entirely, and let’s just say she ended up mat and absolutely refused to tap out.

Tomorrow’s flying day. Up early, and it’s going to be another long one. It’s been a crazy couple of days, but I can’t shake the feeling that the real fun is just getting started.

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