Monday, September 2, 2024

Seattle: Ironview Projects

Ironview Projects by Dall-E

Location: Tacoma District, Greater Seattle Metroplex

Overview: Ironview Projects is TB’s current home, a sprawling and dilapidated neighborhood located in the southern part of Tacoma, close to the industrial waterfront. Originally built in the 2050s as part of a corporate tax incentive for affordable housing, the area has since fallen into decay. The once-promising community has been worn down by years of neglect, economic downturns, and encroaching industrial zones. Despite its state, Ironview remains a haven for those who have nowhere else to go, including many metahumans and others living on the fringes of society.

Life in Ironview: The apartment blocks of Ironview are a far cry from what they once were. TB’s unit is small and utilitarian, like the others in the complex, but he’s made it work. The walls are cracked, the plumbing unreliable, and the power grid is prone to outages. Still, it’s a place to lay low—a place where people don’t ask too many questions, which suits TB just fine.

The neighborhood streets are narrow and often filled with trash, the sidewalks cracked and uneven. Streetlights rarely work, casting Ironview into darkness at night, broken only by the occasional flicker of neon from a nearby industrial zone. Graffiti covers many of the walls, some of it gang tags, some of it the desperate scrawlings of residents trying to make their mark on the world.

The Community: Ironview’s population is diverse, a mix of humans, orks, trolls, dwarves, and elves, all trying to survive in a world that has largely forgotten them. TB has come to know some of his neighbors—people who keep to themselves but have learned to look out for each other when it counts. There’s a strong sense of camaraderie among those who live here, born out of shared hardship and the constant pressure to survive.

Three gangs operate in Ironview, and everyone in the neighborhood knows to keep an eye out for their presence. The Chrome Vultures run much of the underground tech and salvage trade, making a business out of the neighborhood’s decaying infrastructure. The Howlers, a gang with a focus on protecting metahuman rights, often patrol the streets, ensuring that their people are left alone. The Red Blades control smuggling routes and operate protection rackets; they’re known for their brutal efficiency and their distinctive red knives. Details about their inner workings are murky, but their influence is felt in every corner of Ironview.

Notable Spots:

  • Ironview Community Center: In the heart of the Projects lies the Ironview Community Center. It’s seen better days, but it’s still a hub for local activity. TB passes by it often—there’s always something going on, whether it’s a neighborhood meeting, a makeshift market, or a place for the local kids to play. The center is a reminder that, even here, people are trying to hold onto some sense of normalcy.

  • Market Street: Just a few blocks from TB’s apartment is Market Street, a narrow alley filled with makeshift stalls and vendors selling whatever they can get their hands on. It’s not much, but it’s where TB can find the basics—food, clothes, even some black-market tech if he knows who to ask. The vendors know him by face, if not by name, and it’s a good place to pick up on local gossip.

  • The Factory Ruins: Near the edge of Ironview, close to the industrial zones, are the Factory Ruins—old, abandoned factories that have become a refuge for squatters and those who need a place to hide. TB’s been through there a few times, either to meet someone or to find a quiet spot to work on a job. It’s a dangerous area, but it offers the kind of privacy that’s hard to come by in the Metroplex.

  • The Graffiti Wall: One of the long walls on the edge of the Projects is covered in graffiti—a chaotic mix of gang tags, murals, and messages. TB’s seen it change over time, with new art constantly appearing over the old. It’s a reminder of the transient nature of life in Ironview, where nothing stays the same for long.

TB/Phillip’s Place in Ironview: For TB, Ironview is a place to stay off the grid. His fake ID under the name "Phillip" and a bit of hacking have secured him a spot in one of the less rundown buildings, and for now, it’s enough. The neighborhood’s low profile makes it easier to avoid the prying eyes of corps and law enforcement, though TB knows he can’t stay hidden forever.

Living here is a balancing act. TB has to be careful not to draw too much attention, but he also needs to stay connected enough to keep tabs on the local scene. Ironview is rough, but it’s also a place where someone like TB can blend in, surrounded by others who’ve been pushed to the edges of society. The presence of the gangs adds an extra layer of tension, but also a strange kind of order, as long as you know the rules. It’s not much, but it’s home—for now.

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