Thursday, September 5, 2024

Personnel File: Kate


Name: Katherine "Kate" Swinton

Role: Barmaid/Exotic Dancer
Location: Black Wolf Club, Redmond Safe Zone


Katherine Swinton, better known as Kate, is originally from Vancouver. She moved to Redmond in an attempt to escape her past after her involvement in the shady world of BTL (Better Than Life) productions was exposed. The productions she was connected to back in Vancouver were tied to some illegal activities, and when things went south, Kate fled to Seattle to start over (there are a million Kates and a thousand ways to track you no matter what you're called, so why bother changing the name?).

Since arriving in the Redmond Safe Zone, Kate has found work as a barmaid and exotic dancer at the Black Wolf club. She’s using this time to rebuild her life, distancing herself from the mess she left behind in Vancouver, though Redmond isn’t exactly the best place for a fresh start.

Personality and Mannerisms:

Kate is easygoing and fun to be around, with a laid-back attitude that hides the weight of her past. She’s quick to make friends and knows how to blend into the rougher edges of Redmond, but she’s also careful about who she trusts. Despite her past, she’s hopeful for a new life, even if it’s difficult to fully escape what she left behind.


Kate is connected to the local shadowrunner scene, especially through her housemate, Tag, a rigger. She’s also developed a casual relationship with TB, who finds her both easy on the eyes and good (if a little freaky, to be honest) company. Although she’s trying to leave her old life behind, her history in the BTL industry is a secret she keeps guarded, worried it might resurface.


Locally, Kate is known for her role at the Black Wolf and her no-nonsense approach to work. Those who frequent the club know her, but few know the full extent of her past. For now, she’s successfully maintaining her new identity, though Redmond’s shadows have a way of bringing the past back to light.

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