Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Event Primer: Isle of Wonders 2097


Mira Patel in VR-suit

What is Isle of Wonders?

Isle of Wonders 2097 is an exclusive, high-profile multi-domain event that brings together some of the world’s most renowned models, performers, and celebrities. Hosted on the stunning Vancouver Island, the event blends cutting-edge VR experiences with the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest in spring, offering a unique platform for the fashion and entertainment industries to showcase their latest innovations. With corporate sponsors such as Aztechnology, Evo Corporation, and MCT, among others, the event is a hybrid of real-world photo shoots, VR modeling sessions, and performances.

Where is it happening?

The event takes place on Vancouver Island, centered around the city of Victoria but spreading across the island's pristine landscapes. Key locations include:

  • Victoria Harbor: The arrival point and backdrop for many photo shoots.
  • Cathedral Grove: A magical, ancient forest where the Skyway Elite team will attend VR events on Wednesday, showcasing the natural beauty and mystical elements of the island.
  • Pacific Rim National Park Reserve: The site for the Swimming with Leviathans VR session, where participants will experience simulated interactions with massive sea creatures along the stunning west coast of Vancouver Island.
  • Golden Hinde (Highest Peak on Vancouver Island): A breathtaking summit for the VR flying event, accessed via helicopter transport. Here, models will "fly" over the island in virtual space.
  • Aztechnology Convention Center: The commercial heart of the event, where corporate booths showcase the latest in fashion, tech, and entertainment.
  • Queen Victoria Hotel & Old Parliament Buildings: Host sites for the event's glamorous evening parties.

When is it?

The Isle of Wonders event runs from Monday, March 4th to Sunday, March 10th, 2097, spanning a full week of activities:

  • Monday: Arrival in Victoria and settling in.
  • Tuesday: Photoshoots around Victoria’s scenic spots.
  • Wednesday: VR nature sessions at Cathedral Grove for the Skyway team.
  • Thursday: Swimming with Leviathans VR session at Pacific Rim National Park Reserve.
  • Friday: The VR flying event at the Golden Hinde, followed by a major evening party.
  • Saturday: Corporate showcases at the Aztechnology Convention Center and a final evening party at the historic Parliament Buildings.
  • Sunday: Event wind-down, farewells, and departure.

Who’s involved?

The event features models and celebrities from Skyway Elite and various sponsors:

  • Skyway Elite Models: Serj Volkov, Luna Vu, and Mira Patel.
  • Other notable models include (but is not limited to): Nyomi Reyes (Evo Corporation), Hoshi Tanaka (MCT), Juno Mata (Horizon Group), and Diego Alvarez (Aztechnology).
  • Corporate Sponsors: Aztechnology, Evo Corporation, MCT, Ares Macrotechnology (Sports Division), Horizon Group.

Why is this event important?

Isle of Wonders 2097 isn’t just a celebration of fashion and performance; it’s a major corporate spectacle, with brands and megacorps jostling for influence and public attention. With millions of people following the event live through VR streams, the stakes are high for all involved. Corporate deals will be struck behind the scenes, and with powerful entities like Aztechnology deeply embedded in the event, there's more going on than meets the eye.

For you, as Skyway Elite’s security team, it’s a chance to make valuable connections and build a reputation—if you can keep your clients safe and navigate the event’s potential dangers.

Building a better future

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