Wednesday, September 18, 2024

TB’s Journal - March 6, 2097


TB’s Journal

Wednesday, March 6, 2097

Woke up early, headed down for breakfast, and ran into Zara already at the restaurant. She looked like she owned the place, casually scrolling through documents and sipping her coffee. I almost turned back, but then she noticed me and waved me over. She doesn’t miss a thing.

We talked for a while, and I decided to throw out a little bait, mentioning I had inside info on the huge Tacoma waterfront deal. She didn’t even try to hide it, just said, “Good investment. I’d hold onto it,” like it was the most natural thing in the world. The deal isn’t public until 0800 tomorrow, so knowing she’s behind it puts me a step ahead. We moved on to talk about Seattle, Redmond, and the modeling business. I gave her a few stories from my time in Redmond. She was curious, more about how someone like me managed to get out of there than the parties themselves.

She’s an interesting one. It’s like she’s studying me, trying to figure me out. Then she glanced at her watch, said she had to head back to Seattle, but promised to keep our gym date at midnight on Thursday. I’m almost looking forward to it. There’s something compelling about her, even if I know it’s probably not a good idea to get involved.

I met up with the team in the lobby, and we got ready to head out to Cathedral Grove. Vanya was still half asleep, and the models were buzzing with energy, more than ready for the day. Tag stayed in the car, running overwatch with her drones. Better safe than sorry. The models were suited up in their VR gear, and even though I wasn’t, the magic in the air was already making the world look a little more vivid, a little more alive.

Evie called on the way, said she had her interview with the agency. She was excited, and I wished her luck. She deserves a break, something good to happen. We arrived at the grove, and it was... beyond words. It felt like stepping into a different world. Ancient trees, sunlight dappling through the leaves, the air buzzing with magic. I’d heard stories, but nothing prepared me for how... intense it was.

Our guide was waiting for us—a naked dwarf with a beaded necklace and a staff topped with feathers. He looked like he belonged there, like he was part of the place. He gave us a serious warning: don’t leave the paths and don’t speak to any of the grove’s inhabitants. He said it with such certainty that it felt like ignoring him would be the dumbest thing you could ever do. Of course, I didn’t listen.

We started walking, and the models were doing their thing, posing for the cameras, the crew buzzing around them. I kept an eye out, but it was hard to stay focused with everything around us. The place felt alive, like it was watching us. I caught a glimpse of something flitting between the trees, and before I knew it, I’d wandered off the path, following the movement.

That’s when I met her. A tiny faerie girl, not more than a foot and a half tall, wings like dragonfly silk and eyes too old for someone that small. She laughed and told me her name, but it was more like a sound, a feeling. I couldn’t have repeated it if I tried. She dared me to step off the path, and I did.

Then she called over some of her friends, and they started daring me to get the others involved. I could have said no, but what’s the fun in that? I went back and found Vanya and the models. It took some convincing, but I got them to follow me off the path, to talk to the faeries. Vanya gave me a look like I was insane, but I think she was curious too.

We ended up in a clearing, surrounded by faeries, glowing softly in the dappled sunlight. They were laughing, whispering secrets in voices that were like music, and offered us mushrooms. They looked like something out of a storybook, glowing faintly, almost pulsing with energy. Vanya hesitated, and so did the models, but eventually, we all ate them.

It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. The world shifted, twisted, became something else. Colors bled into sounds, sounds became colors. I felt like I was part of the forest, part of the magic that was holding the place together. I remember Vanya laughing, something I’ve never heard before. The models were dancing with the faeries, their VR suits lighting up with every movement. It was surreal, beautiful, and terrifying all at once.

Even the simsense recordings are a mess, blurred and distorted, but somehow more vivid than anything I’ve seen. Ratings peaked, so I guess it was worth it. I lost track of time, lost track of myself for a while. It was all sensation and light, a blur of magic and reality folding in on each other.

We eventually found our way back to the parking lot, the sun starting to dip below the horizon. Everyone looked dazed, like they’d been through something profound but couldn’t quite remember what. Vanya shot me a look that was half amusement, half anger, but she didn’t say anything. I just shrugged. Sometimes, you have to let go.

We made it back to the hotel, everyone still coming down from whatever the hell that was. I took a long shower, trying to clear my head, but it didn’t help much. I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to piece together what had happened, but it was all just fragments, like a dream slipping away.

No harm in a little fun, right? But I can’t shake the feeling that we were being watched, tested maybe. There was something in that grove, something ancient and powerful. And I think it knows us now.

Tomorrow’s another day. I’ve got a midnight gym date with Ms. Zara Coatl, and that’s a whole different kind of danger.

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