Thursday, September 19, 2024

Personnel File: Zara Coatl


Name: Zara Coatl

Role: Senior Executive, Aztechnology
Location: Seattle, UCAS (United Canadian and American States)


Zara Coatl is an executive at Aztechnology. Despite her high-ranking position, very little is known about her past or how she rose to power within the corporation. Her public appearances are rare, and her public record almost nonexistent.

Personality and Mannerisms:

Zara Coatl exudes confidence and control, rarely showing any emotion beyond calm professionalism. In meetings and public events, she is articulate and persuasive, often speaking in measured tones that suggest both wisdom and intent. Zara’s appearance is always meticulously maintained, with a preference for high fashion that subtly incorporates traditional Mesoamerican motifs, hinting at a deep cultural connection.


Recently, her presence has been noted at the Isle of Wonders event on Vancouver Island, where she has been seen interacting with influential figures from the fashion and entertainment industries. Her security detail, which includes magical and physical protection, suggests she is someone of great importance and value to Aztechnology.


Within the corporate world, Zara Coatl is seen as a skilled negotiator and strategist who has successfully navigated Aztechnology through complex acquisitions and business deals. Her involvement in the recent Tacoma waterfront acquisition has made headlines, as it represents one of the largest commercial developments in the region. However, despite her accomplishments, Zara remains a mystery to most, with even her colleagues knowing little about her personal life or motivations. She is a figure shrouded in secrecy, making her an intriguing yet intimidating presence in the corporate arena.

Seattle NewsNet Morning Bulletin: Friday, March 8, 2097


Seattle NewsNet Morning Bulletin: Friday, March 8, 2097

Good Morning, Seattle! Here are your top stories for today:

Weather Update: Sunshine in the Emerald City

Seattleites, it’s time to put away those raincoats—at least for a few days! The unseasonably pleasant weather continues, with clear skies and mild temperatures expected through the rest of the week. Highs will reach around 17°C (63°F) today, perfect for enjoying the early spring bloom across the Metroplex. Enjoy it while it lasts, as showers are predicted to return next Monday.

Ongoing Isle of Wonders Event Captivates Global Audience

The Isle of Wonders event on Vancouver Island is in full swing, showcasing the latest in fashion, VR experiences, and corporate power plays. Yesterday’s breathtaking Swimming with Leviathans session featured not just the stunning models and captivating VR magic, but a real-life sea serpent encounter that has left the world buzzing. The rare sighting of this massive, unknown sea creature, believed to be over 100 meters long, has sparked excitement and concern. While the event continued without incident, security teams are now on high alert, and marine biologists are scrambling to analyze the footage.

Meanwhile, today's highlight will be the VR flying event at the Golden Hinde, where models will take to the skies in cutting-edge or-suits. The buzz around the event is building, with viewers eagerly awaiting the spectacle. The evening will culminate in a grand party at the Queen Victoria Hotel, promising to be a night of glamour and intrigue.

Aztechnology Acquires Major Tacoma Waterfront Property

In a surprising move, Aztechnology has announced the acquisition of a significant section of the Tacoma waterfront, purchasing approximately 10 square kilometers of prime real estate. This bold move, involving an estimated 250 billion nuyen investment, is expected to fuel major development projects in the area, including new commercial and residential spaces, as well as advanced tech and research facilities.

Local officials have expressed cautious optimism about the economic benefits, though concerns remain about Aztechnology’s expanding influence in the region. Real estate experts predict this could lead to a dramatic increase in property values, particularly in adjacent areas like Ironview, which has already seen a surge in investment activity. Keep an eye on this story as it develops.

Sports: Seattle Screamers Gear Up for Crucial Match

The Seattle Screamers are preparing for a crucial match against the Denver Avalanche this weekend. With a spot in the playoffs on the line, the pressure is on for the Screamers to secure a victory. Fans are hopeful after last week’s comeback win, and tickets are selling fast. The match will be held at the HorizonDome, with a massive crowd expected to cheer on the home team. Go Screamers!

Economy: UCAS Markets React to Aztechnology’s Tacoma Acquisition

Markets are abuzz following Aztechnology’s aggressive acquisition of Tacoma waterfront property. Shares of construction and real estate companies have seen a significant uptick in response, while local tech and biotech firms are speculated to benefit from potential partnerships with the megacorp. Analysts are divided on the long-term impact, with some cautioning that Aztechnology’s move could squeeze out smaller businesses and drive up living costs in the area. Regardless, the deal has injected fresh energy into the local economy.

Entertainment: HoloStar Halo Teases New Project

The enigmatic HoloStar Halo, who has remained largely out of the public eye for the past two years, has released a cryptic message hinting at a new project. Rumors are swirling that she may make an appearance at the Isle of Wonders event, possibly debuting her new “Darklight” album. Fans are on edge, speculating what this mysterious return could mean for the VR sensation who once took the world by storm. Stay tuned for more updates.

Local News: Ironview Projects Community Thrives Amid Change

The Ironview Projects community continues to show resilience and growth, as recent property investments have sparked a wave of optimism. Local celebrity Sergei “Serj” Volkov was spotted attending a community event, where he praised the neighborhood’s spirit and commitment to positive change. With more development expected in the surrounding areas, Ironview’s future looks brighter than ever.

Matrix Watch: Data Breach at Horizon Subsidiary

A recent data breach at a Horizon subsidiary has compromised the personal information of thousands of users, including financial details and private communications. The megacorp has issued an apology and is working with authorities to identify the perpetrators. Matrix security experts are urging users to update their passwords and enable additional security measures to protect against similar breaches.

Traffic: Morning Commute Looking Smooth

For once, the morning commute is shaping up to be a breeze. No major accidents or delays reported on I-5 or the 405. Just the usual congestion around downtown and the Bellevue corridor. Enjoy the smooth ride while it lasts!

TB’s Journal - March 7, 2097


TB’s Journal

Thursday, March 7, 2097

Up early again, still shaking off yesterday’s grove weirdness. The models are quiet too, probably still processing it all. Whatever happened, it’s left everyone a little on edge. No time to dwell on it, though; we had to get to the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve for the Swimming with Leviathans event.

It was perfect—clear blue skies, a gentle breeze, and the island was in full spring bloom. Flowers everywhere, the air filled with the scent of blossoms and the sounds of birds singing. Vancouver Island was showing off, and it felt like the whole world was waking up after a long winter. The models were chatting excitedly, soaking up the beauty around them. Even Vanya seemed less tense.

The Pacific Ocean stretched out in front of us, calm and endless, with waves gently lapping at the shore. The event crew had set up a temporary facility on the beach, complete with VR immersion tanks and viewing pods. The models slipped into their VR suits, sleek and high-tech, designed to capture every move and emotion. Their job was to make the experience as real as possible for the viewers, to convince them they were actually swimming with these massive, mythical creatures. It’s harder than it sounds, even with post-production magic.

Just as we were getting set up, Evie called. She didn’t get the job at Skyway Elite. I knew she was bummed, especially since I’d put in a good word with JJ to get her the interview. She didn’t say it, but I could hear the frustration in her voice. I tried to cheer her up, saying she’d find something better and that Skyway wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. She didn’t sound convinced, but at least she didn’t seem too down. She’s tough; I know she’ll bounce back.

Then it was showtime. The models moved through the water, their suits capturing every detail. And just as they were getting into the flow of things, it happened: three actual leviathans surfaced in the distance, their massive forms cutting through the water like ancient gods. Everyone on the crew was stunned, staring in awe at these majestic creatures.

But then, out of nowhere, a massive sea serpent—something no one had ever seen before—appeared. It coiled around one of the leviathans and dragged it down into the depths. It was a breathtaking, terrifying sight, and the models didn’t miss a beat. They turned that raw, real fear into one hell of a performance. The crew caught everything, and I knew the post-production team would have a field day with the footage.

After the event, we headed back to Victoria, the models buzzing with excitement. The shoot had gone better than anyone could have hoped. The island’s beauty, the perfect weather, and the leviathans had created something truly special.

Back at the hotel, Evie called again. This time, her voice was different—excited, almost disbelieving. She’d just been made a partner at her firm. I was happy for her, genuinely, but I couldn’t help but wonder if Zara had something to do with it. The timing was too perfect, and I wouldn’t put it past Zara to pull some strings. Still, I didn’t mention my suspicions to Evie. I congratulated her, told her she deserved it, and we made plans to celebrate when I got back.

The models—minus Serj, who’s too big for the suits—went to see Temoc for their VR flying suit fitting and flight training. Watching them, you could tell the excitement was building. Tomorrow they’d be flying over the island, and it was going to be something spectacular.

Then JJ shows up, practically losing his mind. Someone bought Skyway Elite, snapping up a majority of the A shares. He wasn’t even aware the company was for sale. It took a while to calm him down. I told him it’s probably just business, nothing to worry about, and it could be an opportunity for all of us. That seemed to settle him, at least for now.

Later that night, I met Zara in the gym. It didn’t take long for her to confirm what I’d suspected—it was her who bought out Skyway. Should have guessed it earlier. We worked out a bit, more talking than training, really. We discussed Seattle, Redmond, the modelling business, the deal, everything. There’s something about her that makes you feel like you’re the only one in the room, even when it’s just a gym. Then the session turned into something else entirely, and let’s just say she ended up mat and absolutely refused to tap out.

Tomorrow’s flying day. Up early, and it’s going to be another long one. It’s been a crazy couple of days, but I can’t shake the feeling that the real fun is just getting started.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

TB’s Journal - March 6, 2097


TB’s Journal

Wednesday, March 6, 2097

Woke up early, headed down for breakfast, and ran into Zara already at the restaurant. She looked like she owned the place, casually scrolling through documents and sipping her coffee. I almost turned back, but then she noticed me and waved me over. She doesn’t miss a thing.

We talked for a while, and I decided to throw out a little bait, mentioning I had inside info on the huge Tacoma waterfront deal. She didn’t even try to hide it, just said, “Good investment. I’d hold onto it,” like it was the most natural thing in the world. The deal isn’t public until 0800 tomorrow, so knowing she’s behind it puts me a step ahead. We moved on to talk about Seattle, Redmond, and the modeling business. I gave her a few stories from my time in Redmond. She was curious, more about how someone like me managed to get out of there than the parties themselves.

She’s an interesting one. It’s like she’s studying me, trying to figure me out. Then she glanced at her watch, said she had to head back to Seattle, but promised to keep our gym date at midnight on Thursday. I’m almost looking forward to it. There’s something compelling about her, even if I know it’s probably not a good idea to get involved.

I met up with the team in the lobby, and we got ready to head out to Cathedral Grove. Vanya was still half asleep, and the models were buzzing with energy, more than ready for the day. Tag stayed in the car, running overwatch with her drones. Better safe than sorry. The models were suited up in their VR gear, and even though I wasn’t, the magic in the air was already making the world look a little more vivid, a little more alive.

Evie called on the way, said she had her interview with the agency. She was excited, and I wished her luck. She deserves a break, something good to happen. We arrived at the grove, and it was... beyond words. It felt like stepping into a different world. Ancient trees, sunlight dappling through the leaves, the air buzzing with magic. I’d heard stories, but nothing prepared me for how... intense it was.

Our guide was waiting for us—a naked dwarf with a beaded necklace and a staff topped with feathers. He looked like he belonged there, like he was part of the place. He gave us a serious warning: don’t leave the paths and don’t speak to any of the grove’s inhabitants. He said it with such certainty that it felt like ignoring him would be the dumbest thing you could ever do. Of course, I didn’t listen.

We started walking, and the models were doing their thing, posing for the cameras, the crew buzzing around them. I kept an eye out, but it was hard to stay focused with everything around us. The place felt alive, like it was watching us. I caught a glimpse of something flitting between the trees, and before I knew it, I’d wandered off the path, following the movement.

That’s when I met her. A tiny faerie girl, not more than a foot and a half tall, wings like dragonfly silk and eyes too old for someone that small. She laughed and told me her name, but it was more like a sound, a feeling. I couldn’t have repeated it if I tried. She dared me to step off the path, and I did.

Then she called over some of her friends, and they started daring me to get the others involved. I could have said no, but what’s the fun in that? I went back and found Vanya and the models. It took some convincing, but I got them to follow me off the path, to talk to the faeries. Vanya gave me a look like I was insane, but I think she was curious too.

We ended up in a clearing, surrounded by faeries, glowing softly in the dappled sunlight. They were laughing, whispering secrets in voices that were like music, and offered us mushrooms. They looked like something out of a storybook, glowing faintly, almost pulsing with energy. Vanya hesitated, and so did the models, but eventually, we all ate them.

It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. The world shifted, twisted, became something else. Colors bled into sounds, sounds became colors. I felt like I was part of the forest, part of the magic that was holding the place together. I remember Vanya laughing, something I’ve never heard before. The models were dancing with the faeries, their VR suits lighting up with every movement. It was surreal, beautiful, and terrifying all at once.

Even the simsense recordings are a mess, blurred and distorted, but somehow more vivid than anything I’ve seen. Ratings peaked, so I guess it was worth it. I lost track of time, lost track of myself for a while. It was all sensation and light, a blur of magic and reality folding in on each other.

We eventually found our way back to the parking lot, the sun starting to dip below the horizon. Everyone looked dazed, like they’d been through something profound but couldn’t quite remember what. Vanya shot me a look that was half amusement, half anger, but she didn’t say anything. I just shrugged. Sometimes, you have to let go.

We made it back to the hotel, everyone still coming down from whatever the hell that was. I took a long shower, trying to clear my head, but it didn’t help much. I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to piece together what had happened, but it was all just fragments, like a dream slipping away.

No harm in a little fun, right? But I can’t shake the feeling that we were being watched, tested maybe. There was something in that grove, something ancient and powerful. And I think it knows us now.

Tomorrow’s another day. I’ve got a midnight gym date with Ms. Zara Coatl, and that’s a whole different kind of danger.

TB’s Journal - March 4-5, 2097


TB’s Journal

Monday, March 4, 2097

Morning was a blur of motion—up at dawn to rouse the team. Tag was already up, of course, tinkering with something I didn’t understand but nodded at anyway. Vanya, not a morning person, but she gets it together when it counts. Eclipse? Still holed up in Tag’s Redmond flat with Kate. I hope they don't set the place on fire.

Omar "Hicks" arrived right on time with the limo, his perpetual scowl suggesting he’d rather be anywhere else. He always looks like that. We hit the Skyway Elite agency to pick up the models: Serj, Luna, and Mira, all primed and ready for the cameras. JJ was there too, buzzing around with his usual energy, coordinating the support staff and logistics. Seemed almost too cheerful for this time of day, but that’s JJ for you.

We rolled out in three vehicles: limo for the stars, van for the gear, and a mini-bus for the extra bodies. It was a damn parade through the city, drawing eyes even in the early hours. Made it to the chartered ferry without a hitch. There were about 350 people on board, mostly models and their entourages. A sea of perfectly styled hair and designer outfits.

The journey to Vancouver Island took an hour and a half. Rough seas and rain, but it’s a modern ship, so no one’s spilling their soy lattes. First encounter with the Aztechnology security team. There’s something about their crew that sets my teeth on edge. Zara Coatl caught my eye—thought she was just another snake shaman at first glance, all elegance and cold, controlled demeanor. Later, it hit me: she’s no shaman. This woman’s an exec. Her presence radiates authority, and the security detail surrounding her is the real deal. I’d need to keep an eye on her.

Once we hit Victoria, the first order of business was checking out the Queen Victoria Hotel, where we’d be staying. It’s a big, modern place downtown, bustling with models, execs, their retinues, and enough security to arm a small nation. The lobby alone was like a fashion show. We swept the place physically, with Tag’s drones covering the exterior and public areas, while I did a magical sweep and Vanya checked for any astral irregularities. Everything seemed in order. Eclipse plugged into the Matrix remotely and confirmed the hotel’s security protocols were tight, with no suspicious anomalies or unauthorized accesses. Looked like we were good to go.

After settling in, we got some downtime. Took the chance to get to know some of the models and staff. Place was buzzing with excitement, but there was an undercurrent of tension. Could be the weather, could be the Aztechnology presence. Whatever it was, it kept me on edge.

Got a chance to take Luna for a walk through Victoria in the rain. Well, more like dragged her on a whirlwind tour through the downpour. Windy, wet, and... well, it was a bit more hands-on than I’d planned. Ratings spiked, so I guess it worked out. Back on the ferry, JJ’s disapproving look followed me like a shadow. Sorry, buddy, but this is what they pay me for.

Had a call with Evie in the evening. She gave me a heads-up about a big Aztechnology deal going down—something massive in Tacoma. I needed to move fast. Contacted Renraku Private Banking and got a loan approved, then looped in Mr. Black. I’d rather trust him with the money than the banks. He’s got a way of making things disappear into the right places. Passed it on to one of his shell companies for investment. All very hush-hush. Hope it pans out.

Nothing much else happened. Crashed early in the plush hotel room. Tomorrow, the real work begins.

Tuesday, March 5, 2097

The weather turned, and so did the mood. Much better day, clear skies, and perfect for the outdoor shoots. Spent the day following the models around. I assigned myself to Mira’s detail—JJ gave me a look, but I ignored it. Played the role of the “stalker fan,” creating just enough tension to keep her simsense ratings high. The end-of-day edit will probably make it look like she fell to my advances. All part of the job.

Another call with Evie. The deal’s signed, sealed, and Aztechnology has dropped a staggering 250 billion nuyen on the Tacoma waterfront. That’s a power play if I’ve ever seen one. It’s going to transform the area, especially Ironview, where a few of us—Evie, Mr. Black, and yours truly—just happen to own a few properties now. Let the corps make us rich. Timing is everything.

Evening rolled around, and I decided to hit the gym. Needed to burn off some energy after playing babysitter all day. Walked in to find Zara Coatl already there, working out like she had something to prove. I’ve seen a lot of execs try to keep in shape, but this was different. There’s an intensity to her that doesn’t fit the corporate mold.

We exchanged pleasantries—turns out she’s more personable than I expected, but still guarded. Talked a bit about the island, the event, small talk, really. But every word felt like it was weighed and measured. She knew who I was, who I worked for, and probably half of what I’ve been up to since I got here. Felt like I was being sized up, and not in the fun way.

Right after, Temoc walked in, and the atmosphere shifted. A challenge, unspoken but clear. We squared off, and it was on. I’ve fought a lot of people, but Temoc’s on another level. It wasn’t just skill—it was animalistic, feral. We went at it hard, exchanging blows and techniques. He’s powerful, fast, and there’s something primal in the way he fights. The sparring turned into a bit of a show, drawing attention from the few others in the gym, including Zara.

The fight ended in a draw, both of us drenched in sweat and grinning like idiots. I felt alive, like every nerve was buzzing. Zara gave us an approving nod, and I got the feeling I’d just passed some kind of test. Later, she mentioned in passing that she’s the one who signed the big deal. She’s got the aura of someone who’s used to being the smartest person in the room, and I get the feeling she’s playing a much deeper game than anyone realizes.

Back at the hotel, I met up with Tag and Vanya for some late-night teambuilding. Feels great to be back in the game, even if the stakes keep getting higher.

The week’s only just started. We’ll see how deep this rabbit hole goes.

Chapter 5: Talents (Group 9-12)


Version: 0.5

Notes: This is pure WIP. There is no balance, and there are lots of weird effects. Take it with a grain of salt. I just put this up to show the categories and some of what might come.

Group 9 Astral/Magic WIP

Focus: Specializes in interacting with spirits and the astral plane. Characters can summon, banish, and communicate with spirits and traverse the astral realm.

Tier 1

Astral Perception

    • Description: The character can see into the astral plane and detect magical auras.
    • Effect: Gain the ability to perceive astral auras and entities. You gain +2 to astral awareness checks.

Spirit Summoner

    • Description: The character can summon low-level spirits to assist in combat or tasks.
    • Effect: Summon a low-level spirit to perform one task or assist in combat for one round.

Astral Communication

    • Description: The character can communicate with spirits or beings from the astral realm.
    • Effect: Gain the ability to communicate with spirits, understanding their language and intent.

Banishment Training

    • Description: The character has learned to banish low-level spirits with ease.
    • Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to checks made to banish or dispel low-level spirits.

Tier 2

Improved Summoning

    • Description: The character can summon stronger spirits capable of more complex tasks.
    • Effect: Summon a medium-level spirit to perform tasks or assist in combat for one round.

Astral Combatant

    • Description: The character gains bonuses when fighting in the astral plane.
    • Effect: Gain +2 bonus to attack and defense rolls while in the astral plane.

Spirit Pact

    • Description: The character forms a bond with a spirit, gaining passive benefits.
    • Effect: While in a spirit’s presence, gain +1 to all Willpower checks.

Astral Projection

    • Description: The character can project their consciousness into the astral plane for reconnaissance.
    • Effect: Project your astral form to explore distant places or communicate with spirits.

Tier 3

Master Summoner

    • Description: The character can summon multiple spirits at once or more powerful spirits.
    • Effect: Summon two low-level spirits or one high-level spirit to assist in combat for one round.

Spirit Banishment

    • Description: The character can banish high-level spirits with ease.
    • Effect: Gain Advantage on checks to banish high-level spirits.

Astral Mastery

    • Description: The character can act more swiftly while in the astral plane.
    • Effect: Gain an additional action when fighting in the astral plane.

Tier 4

Ethereal Command

    • Description: The character can command spirits to perform complex tasks or attack with precision.
    • Effect: Gain +2 bonus to command spirits to perform specific tasks.

Astral Conduit

    • Description: The character can channel astral energy into physical form, empowering their attacks.
    • Effect: Gain +2 bonus to physical attacks while channeling astral energy.

Tier 5

Supreme Spirit Mastery

    • Description: The character can summon the most powerful spirits capable of altering the battlefield.
    • Effect: Summon a high-level spirit capable of altering the environment or battlefield for one encounter.

Astral Guardian

    • Description: The character has a permanent guardian spirit that protects them in both the physical and astral realms.
    • Effect: Gain a guardian spirit that automatically defends you in the astral or physical realm.


Group 10 Spellcasting WIP

Specializes in casting spells across different disciplines, including combat magic, healing, and enchantment. Characters manipulate magical energy to create various effects.

Tier 1

Elemental Bolt

    • Description: The character can cast a basic elemental attack (fire, ice, or lightning) at their foes.
    • Effect: Cast a bolt of elemental energy that deals 1d6 elemental damage (choose the element when casting).

Healing Touch

    • Description: The character can restore a small amount of health to themselves or an ally through magical healing.
    • Effect: Restore 1d6 Health to yourself or one ally within touch range.

Enchant Item

    • Description: The character can temporarily enchant an object or weapon, granting it magical properties for a short time.
    • Effect: Enchant a weapon or item to gain +1 to attack or defense for the next combat encounter.

Mana Shield

    • Description: The character can create a weak magical shield that absorbs incoming damage.
    • Effect: Create a shield that absorbs 5 damage from any attack. The shield lasts until the damage is absorbed or the encounter ends.

Tier 2

Chain Lightning

    • Description: The character can cast a lightning spell that jumps between multiple targets, hitting several enemies in quick succession.
    • Effect: Deal 1d6 lightning damage to one target, then jump to two additional targets within 10 meters, dealing half damage to each.

Greater Heal

    • Description: The character can restore moderate health to multiple allies through a powerful healing spell.
    • Effect: Heal up to 3 allies within 10 meters, restoring 2d6 Health to each.

Aura of Protection

    • Description: The character can grant nearby allies enhanced defense against physical and magical attacks.
    • Effect: Allies within 10 meters gain +2 to all defenses for one round.

Arcane Blast

    • Description: The character can release a blast of pure magical energy, damaging all enemies in range.
    • Effect: Deal 2d6 magic damage to all enemies within a 5-meter radius.

Tier 3


    • Description: The character can summon a powerful storm of fire that damages all enemies in a large area.
    • Effect: Deal 3d6 fire damage to all enemies within a 10-meter radius. Enemies must make a Resilience check or suffer Burning status for one round.


    • Description: The character can cast a spell that continuously heals themselves or an ally over time.
    • Effect: Restore 1d6 Health at the end of each round for up to 3 rounds.

Mass Enchant

    • Description: The character can enchant multiple weapons or objects at once for a limited time.
    • Effect: Enchant up to 3 weapons or items at once, granting +2 to attack or defense rolls for one combat encounter.

Tier 4


    • Description: The character can summon seismic magic to destabilize the battlefield, damaging and stunning enemies.
    • Effect: Deal 3d6 physical damage to all enemies within a 15-meter radius. Enemies must make a Resilience check or become Stunned for one round.

Divine Intervention

    • Description: The character can call upon divine magic to instantly heal and protect an ally from death.
    • Effect: Heal one ally within 5 meters to full Health and grant them immunity to all damage for one round.

Tier 5

Reality Warp

    • Description: The character can manipulate the very fabric of reality, changing elements of the battlefield or negating incoming attacks.
    • Effect: Once per encounter, alter the battlefield, creating difficult terrain, sealing exits, or negating one powerful attack.

Ultimate Elemental Mastery

    • Description: The character can cast a devastating elemental spell of any type with maximum power.
    • Effect: Cast an elemental spell (fire, ice, lightning, etc.) dealing 5d6 damage to all enemies within a 20-meter radius. Enemies suffer Disadvantage on any attempt to resist the spell's effects.


Group 11 Matrix WIP

Specializes in hacking, Matrix combat, data manipulation, and cyberwarfare. Characters interact with the digital world, infiltrating networks, and controlling devices remotely.

Tier 1

Basic Hack

    • Description: The character can hack into low-security systems with ease, gaining access to basic functions.
    • Effect: Make a Hacking check to bypass low-level security protocols on a device or network.

Data Surge

    • Description: The character can overload a system with data, causing minor disruptions or confusion.
    • Effect: Overload a system, causing it to malfunction for 1 round (e.g., cameras go offline, doors lock, etc.).

Matrix Perception

    • Description: The character can perceive hidden data or weaknesses in digital structures, giving them an edge in the Matrix.
    • Effect: Gain Advantage on checks to spot hidden data, traps, or vulnerabilities in the Matrix.

Signal Boost

    • Description: The character can boost their signal strength or hacking range, allowing them to operate from farther distances.
    • Effect: Increase your hacking range by 50% or boost your connection strength, reducing the chance of interference or disconnection.

Tier 2

Firewall Bypass

    • Description: The character can hack into more secure systems, gaining access to restricted data.
    • Effect: Make a Hacking check with Advantage to bypass secure firewalls and access restricted systems.

Matrix Combatant

    • Description: The character gains bonuses in virtual combat, allowing them to damage enemy avatars or systems.
    • Effect: Gain +2 bonus to attack and defense rolls when engaging in Matrix combat.

Data Steal

    • Description: The character can steal valuable information from secure systems without leaving a trace.
    • Effect: Gain Advantage on checks to steal data without alerting security or leaving a digital trace.


    • Description: The character can manipulate the Matrix without the use of traditional tools, accessing systems through sheer willpower.
    • Effect: Gain the ability to hack systems or interact with the Matrix using Willpower instead of conventional tools.

Tier 3


    • Description: The character can launch powerful attacks on enemy networks, shutting down systems or inflicting damage.
    • Effect: Deal 1d6 damage to enemy systems or avatars in Matrix combat. This damage bypasses standard defenses.

Network Control

    • Description: The character can take control of a network or device, bending it to their will.
    • Effect: Gain control of one networked device or system for 1 round. You can force it to perform actions within its capabilities.

Advanced Technomancy

    • Description: The character can manipulate the Matrix on a larger scale, affecting entire networks or regions.
    • Effect: Gain the ability to manipulate or control an entire network or multiple systems at once for 1 round.

Tier 4

Total System Override

    • Description: The character can gain complete control over any digital system for a limited time.
    • Effect: Gain control over any system for 1 round. This can include security, communications, or defense systems.

Virtual Invulnerability

    • Description: The character becomes nearly immune to most Matrix-based attacks for a short time.
    • Effect: Gain immunity to all Matrix-based attacks for 1 round.

Tier 5

Matrix God

    • Description: The character can dominate the Matrix, controlling entire networks and systems at will.
    • Effect: Gain control over an entire Matrix region or network for 1 encounter. You can override all systems within the network.

Cyber Ghost

    • Description: The character can remain undetectable in the Matrix, allowing them to operate without fear of being tracked or attacked.
    • Effect: Gain invisibility in the Matrix, making you undetectable to both systems and enemy hackers for 1 encounter.

Group 12 Vechicle/Drone WIP

Specializes in piloting vehicles, controlling drones, and managing complex machinery. Characters can operate, repair, and optimize vehicles and drones, excelling in remote operations.

Tier 1

Basic Drone Command

    • Description: The character can control simple drones, giving them basic commands for surveillance or tasks.
    • Effect: Gain the ability to command one low-level drone to perform basic tasks, such as surveillance or minor repairs.

Vehicle Maneuvering

    • Description: The character is skilled at piloting vehicles, gaining bonuses to speed and control.
    • Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to vehicle handling checks for speed and maneuvering.

Mechanical Repair

    • Description: The character can repair minor damage to drones or vehicles in the field.
    • Effect: Repair 1d6 damage to a drone or vehicle during combat.

Drone Spotter

    • Description: The character can use drones to enhance vision or reconnaissance over a large area.
    • Effect: Gain +2 bonus to Perception checks when using drones for reconnaissance.

Tier 2

Advanced Drone Command

    • Description: The character can control more advanced drones, giving them more complex orders.
    • Effect: Gain the ability to command higher-tier drones to perform more complex tasks or engage in combat.

Vehicle Evasion

    • Description: The character is skilled at avoiding enemy fire or obstacles while piloting a vehicle.
    • Effect: Gain +2 bonus to vehicle defense checks to avoid enemy fire or navigate dangerous terrain.


    • Description: The character can push a drone or vehicle beyond its normal limits, improving performance temporarily.
    • Effect: Gain +2 to attack rolls or speed when controlling a drone or vehicle for 1 round.

Remote Override

    • Description: The character can take control of enemy drones or vehicles for a short time.
    • Effect: Gain control of one enemy drone or vehicle for 1 round. The original operator can make a Willpower check to resist.

Tier 3

Swarm Command

    • Description: The character can control multiple drones at once, coordinating them for maximum efficiency.
    • Effect: Command up to 3 drones at once, giving them coordinated orders for 1 round.

Vehicle Combat Mastery

    • Description: The character gains bonuses when using a vehicle in combat, improving both weapons and defenses.
    • Effect: Gain +2 to attack rolls and defense checks when using vehicle-mounted weapons.

Drone Combat Specialist

    • Description: The character’s drones can engage in direct combat, dealing significant damage to enemies.
    • Effect: Gain +2 to attack rolls when commanding drones in combat.

Tier 4 Talents

Vehicle Supremacy

    • Description: The character has achieved near-perfection in vehicle operations, dominating the battlefield from their vehicle.
    • Effect: Gain +4 to all vehicle-related actions for 1 encounter.

Advanced Swarm Command

    • Description: The character can control a large number of drones, coordinating devastating attacks.
    • Effect: Command up to 6 drones to attack multiple targets or perform complex tasks.

Tier 5 Talents

Omnidrone Control

    • Description: The character can control an unlimited number of drones within a large area, allowing them to command a full fleet.
    • Effect: Gain control of any number of drones within a 1 km radius, commanding them to attack or perform tasks.

Supreme Pilot

    • Description: The character’s skill with vehicles is unmatched, allowing them to perform impossible maneuvers.
    • Effect: Perform any maneuver with a vehicle without penalty, even in extreme conditions.