Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Chapter 11: Bloodlines


Version: 0.8 (barely)

Notes: Dragon applies to both Eastern and Western unless otherwise specified. While Dragon is somewhat fleshed out, there will be further additions and tweaks to this chapter (also for dragons), but I have to get the first version out there. But you can hopefully see where this is going.

Chapter 11: Bloodlines

In the world of Shadowrun, some individuals carry within them the latent power of an ancient or mystical lineage—referred to as their Bloodline. These bloodlines trace their origins to powerful entities, spirits, or supernatural forces, and they awaken in certain individuals, granting them abilities beyond the reach of ordinary metahumans.

Bloodline abilities function similarly to talents, following the same rules for cost and tier progression. However, unlike talents, you may only choose abilities from a single bloodline. This restriction reflects the unique and singular nature of your awakened heritage.

Discovering Your Bloodline

You can either start the game with a bloodline, purchasing a Tier 1 bloodline talent during character creation, or, with the GM’s permission, discover your bloodline during the course of the campaign. In the latter case, your bloodline powers will gradually manifest as you unlock abilities, starting with a Tier 1 talent.

Bloodline descriptions


Description: A bizarre, alien influence runs through your bloodline, possibly originating from a metaplanar entity or an unexplained event in your family's past. The alien taint manifests through strange mutations and an unconventional way of thinking, which often makes you unpredictable to others.

  • Powers:
    • Mutations that enhance physical traits, such as extra limbs, strange eyes, or enhanced senses.
    • Unconventional problem-solving, using bizarre logic and lateral thinking.
    • Minor telepathy or psychic communication with alien-like entities.
    • Physical and mental adaptability, allowing for rapid changes under stress.


Description: Your family has always had a natural talent for magic, but while others study, your power manifests instinctively. The magic in your veins is potent, but it is unpredictable, and you must be careful not to let it consume you.

  • Powers:
    • Natural affinity for spellcasting, able to conjure magic without formal training.
    • Instinctive manipulation of magical energies, such as creating barriers, energy blasts, or illusions.
    • Chaotic or wild magic tendencies, where spells may have unintended side effects.
    • Resistance to magic disruption or suppression.


Description: Tied to a powerful spirit or astral entity, you have a natural affinity for the Astral Plane. You can perceive spirits and energies hidden from others, and your connection to the metaplanes makes you a natural astral combatant and spirit caller.

  • Powers:
    • Astral perception and the ability to detect magical auras or spirits.
    • Natural ability to communicate with and control spirits.
    • Enhanced astral combat abilities, including astral projection or defenses.
    • Spiritual affinity, allowing for easy summoning or banishing of spirits.

Dragon [Eastern]

Description: Your lineage traces back to the mighty eastern dragons, beings of wisdom and elemental power. Known for their control over the weather and mystical forces, your bloodline grants you abilities that reflect the grace and intellect of these ancient beings.

  • Powers:
    • Weather manipulation, such as summoning storms or controlling wind and rain.
    • Mystical knowledge and enhanced intelligence, providing insight into ancient mysteries.
    • Elemental breath weapons (lightning, wind, or water-based attacks).
    • Enhanced senses and the ability to influence luck or fate.

Dragon [Western]

Description: Your ancestors were western dragons, majestic creatures of physical might and elemental fury. You inherit their power, able to call upon their strength and elemental breath in battle.

  • Powers:
    • Elemental breath weapons, such as fire, ice, or acid.
    • Scales that provide natural armor and increased durability.
    • Massive strength and combat prowess, with the ability to overpower foes.
    • Draconic senses, including enhanced vision and an aura of command or fear.


Description: Your family has always been linked to the elemental forces of nature, whether through a bond with genies or other elemental beings. You possess an affinity for a specific element, allowing you to manipulate it in powerful ways.

  • Powers:
    • Control over one of the primary elements: earth, air, fire, or water.
    • Resistance or immunity to the chosen element's harmful effects.
    • Ability to summon elemental creatures or construct barriers made of pure elemental energy.
    • Adaptation to environments associated with your element (breathing underwater, surviving extreme heat or cold).


Description: Touched by the capricious fey, your bloodline carries the chaotic energy of the fae realms. You have a strong connection to the natural world and emotions, making you prone to intense bursts of joy, rage, or sorrow.

  • Powers:
    • Emotional manipulation, allowing you to sway the moods of others.
    • Connection to nature, with the ability to control plants, animals, or natural phenomena.
    • Fey trickery, such as illusions, charm magic, or altering perceptions.
    • Enhanced agility and reflexes, often coupled with a sense of untouchable grace.


Description: Your bloodline is blessed by astral guardians or beings of light. You possess powers of protection and healing, often marked by an innate sense of justice or righteousness.

  • Powers:
    • Healing abilities, both minor and major, for yourself and others.
    • Creation of protective barriers or shields, able to deflect harm or magic.
    • Light-based magic, such as creating blinding light or purging darkness.
    • Resistance to corruption or mind-altering effects, often with a strong moral compass.


Description: Linked to the disturbing powers of insect spirits, your bloodline grants you a connection to hive-minded entities and insect-like abilities. Though unsettling, your powers make you incredibly resilient and efficient in groups.

  • Powers:
    • Swarm-based abilities, such as controlling small insects or creating a swarm of your own.
    • Pheromone control, allowing you to influence others' behavior subtly.
    • Physical traits like exoskeleton armor, enhanced strength, or venomous attacks.
    • Hive-mind connections, granting bonuses in teamwork or group combat situations.


Description: Tied to ancient shapeshifters, your bloodline allows you to channel the power of wild beasts. Whether linked to werewolves, bears, or other creatures, you have the ability to take on animalistic traits in battle.

  • Powers:
    • Partial or full transformations into an animalistic form (e.g., wolf, bear, tiger).
    • Enhanced physical attributes such as strength, speed, and resilience.
    • Heightened senses, including night vision or enhanced smell.
    • Regeneration and the ability to heal quickly from wounds.


Description: Your bloodline is tainted by dark astral entities, giving you access to shadowy and destructive forces. Though powerful, these abilities often come with a cost, drawing you closer to corruption.

  • Powers:
    • Manipulation of dark magic or energy, such as shadow bolts or necromantic power.
    • Communication with dark spirits or entities from the metaplanes.
    • Powers of destruction or entropy, including decay-based attacks.
    • Resistance to mind control and other magical influences, but at a moral cost.


Description: One of your ancestors struck a deal with a powerful entity—be it a spirit, dragon, or even a megacorporation’s enigmatic leader. The terms of that pact still bind your bloodline, granting you power but always demanding a price.

  • Powers:
    • Access to powerful abilities related to the original pact (e.g., enhanced magical abilities, command over spirits, physical enhancements).
    • Cursed or bound abilities that come with a cost or obligation.
    • Enhanced negotiation and manipulation skills, useful in social interactions.
    • Potentially dangerous boons, such as temporary invulnerability or power surges, but with severe drawbacks.


Description: Your bloodline connects you to the ancient feathered serpents, legendary creatures of Aztec mythology. Known for their beauty, wisdom, and control over the natural world, you possess their grace and power.

  • Powers:
    • Flight and enhanced mobility, with the ability to glide or levitate.
    • Control over plants and nature, such as summoning vines or causing rapid plant growth.
    • Poison-based abilities, including venomous attacks or immunity to toxins.
    • Affinity for wisdom, strategy, and leadership, reflecting the revered status of feathered serpents.


Description: Your bloodline is linked to the shadows and the Umbral Realm, allowing you to move unseen and manipulate darkness. You have an affinity for stealth, subterfuge, and striking from the shadows.

  • Powers:
    • Cloaking abilities that allow you to blend into shadows or become nearly invisible.
    • Shadow manipulation, allowing you to create tendrils or weapons from darkness.
    • Teleportation through shadows, allowing for quick movement across the battlefield.
    • Social manipulation, with an ability to charm or intimidate from the shadows.


Description: Touched by necromantic energies, possibly from an ancestor who became a ghoul, vampire, or similar creature, you walk a fine line between life and death. You can draw upon deathly powers but must resist being consumed by them.

  • Powers:
    • Vitality-draining attacks, allowing you to sap the life force from enemies.
    • Minor regenerative abilities, healing wounds rapidly.
    • Resistance to poison, disease, or other forms of decay.
    • Communication with the dead or necromantic spirits.


Bestial Instincts

Description: The character’s instincts sharpen, allowing them to react with animalistic speed.
Effect: Gain Advantage on Initiative checks and Reaction-based defenses.
Tags: [Lycanthrope, Aberrant, Shadow, Dragon]

Elemental Affinity

Description: The character develops an affinity with a specific element, gaining resistance to its effects.
Effect: Choose an element (e.g., fire, ice, lightning). Gain Advantage on spell checks and active Defense against attacks of that element. If you have DR granted by this bloodline, it also applies to elemental attacks of the chosen type.
Prerequisite for: Elemental Resistance
Tags: [Dragon, Elemental]

Enhanced Vision

Description: The character's vision improves, allowing them to see in low-light and detect heat signatures.
Effect: Gain Low-Light Vision and Thermographic Vision.
Prerequisite for: Heightened Senses
Tags: [Dragon, Serpentine, Shadow, Aberrant]

Hardened Flesh

Description: The character's flesh toughens, providing natural resistance against physical damage.
Effect: Gain PT 10/DR 20 against physical damage.
Prerequisite for: Natural Scales
Tags: [Dragon, Serpentine, Aberrant, Elemental]

Imposing Presence

Description: The character’s natural charisma or fearsome appearance is enhanced, giving them an aura of dominance.
Effect: Choose between Charm or Coercion. Gain Advantage on all checks using that skill.
Prerequisite for: Commanding Visage
Tags: [Dragon, Serpentine, Guardian, Fey]


Elemental Resistance

Description: The character gains near-total immunity to the element they are attuned to, protecting them from its effects.
Effect: Gain Immunity to your chosen elemental damage type (e.g., fire, frost, lightning).
Prerequisite: Elemental Affinity
Tags: [Dragon, Elemental]

Heightened Senses

Description: The character's senses sharpen, making them more attuned to their surroundings.
Effect: Gain Advantage on all Active Perception checks.
Prerequisite: Enhanced Vision
Tags: [Dragon, Serpentine, Shadow, Aberrant]

Natural Claws

Description: The character manifests sharp claws that can be used in combat, inflicting lethal damage.
Effect: Unarmed attacks deal 2d6 + Strength lethal damage.
Tags: [Dragon, Serpentine, Aberrant]

Natural Scales

Description: Patches of tough, scaly skin emerge, providing additional natural defense.
Effect: Gain PT 15/DR 30 against physical damage.
Prerequisite: Hardened Flesh
Tags: [Dragon, Serpentine, Aberrant]

Venomous Bite

Description: The character develops a venomous bite or similar attack, capable of poisoning enemies.
Effect: Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 + Strength damage, and the target must make a Resilience check to avoid being poisoned.
Tags: [Serpentine, Aberrant, Lycanthrope]


Armored Scales

Description: The character's body becomes almost entirely covered in thick, protective scales, offering maximum defense.
Effect: Gain PT 20/DR 40 against physical damage.
Prerequisite: Natural Scales
Tags: [Dragon, Serpentine, Aberrant]

Breath Weapon

Description: The character unleashes a powerful elemental attack in a large area, resembling the breath weapon of a dragon or elemental creature.
Effect: Breathe a cone of your chosen element (e.g., fire, frost) that deals 4d6 + Vitality elemental damage to all targets in a 20-meter cone. Targets must make a Resilience check to halve the damage.
Tags: [Dragon, Elemental]

Psychic Terror

Description: The character’s presence causes others to experience deep fear or mental anguish.
Effect: Choose one enemy within line of sight. The target must make a Composure check or be Frightened for one round.
Tags: [Shadow, Serpentine, Aberrant, Netherborn]

Razor Claws

Description: The character’s claws grow stronger and sharper, capable of ripping through armor and flesh alike.
Effect: Unarmed attacks deal 4d6 + Strength lethal damage.
Prerequisite: Natural Claws
Tags: [Dragon, Serpentine, Aberrant]


Description: The character’s body heals rapidly from wounds, much like a lycanthrope’s or dragon’s ability to recover from injuries.
Effect: At the end of each combat round, recover 1d6 + Vitality health.
Tags: [Lycanthrope]

Tier 4 Power

Partial Transformation

·         Description: The character can partially transform into a dragon, gaining a draconic form that enhances their combat abilities.

·         Effect: Gain the following benefits for the duration of the transformation 

Tier 5 Power

Full Transformation

·         Description: The character fully transforms into a large dragon, gaining immense power and the physical attributes of a true dragon.

·         Effect: Gain the following benefits for the duration of the transformation 




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