Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Chapter 5: Talents (Group 9-12)


Version: 0.5

Notes: This is pure WIP. There is no balance, and there are lots of weird effects. Take it with a grain of salt. I just put this up to show the categories and some of what might come.

Group 9 Astral/Magic WIP

Focus: Specializes in interacting with spirits and the astral plane. Characters can summon, banish, and communicate with spirits and traverse the astral realm.

Tier 1

Astral Perception

    • Description: The character can see into the astral plane and detect magical auras.
    • Effect: Gain the ability to perceive astral auras and entities. You gain +2 to astral awareness checks.

Spirit Summoner

    • Description: The character can summon low-level spirits to assist in combat or tasks.
    • Effect: Summon a low-level spirit to perform one task or assist in combat for one round.

Astral Communication

    • Description: The character can communicate with spirits or beings from the astral realm.
    • Effect: Gain the ability to communicate with spirits, understanding their language and intent.

Banishment Training

    • Description: The character has learned to banish low-level spirits with ease.
    • Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to checks made to banish or dispel low-level spirits.

Tier 2

Improved Summoning

    • Description: The character can summon stronger spirits capable of more complex tasks.
    • Effect: Summon a medium-level spirit to perform tasks or assist in combat for one round.

Astral Combatant

    • Description: The character gains bonuses when fighting in the astral plane.
    • Effect: Gain +2 bonus to attack and defense rolls while in the astral plane.

Spirit Pact

    • Description: The character forms a bond with a spirit, gaining passive benefits.
    • Effect: While in a spirit’s presence, gain +1 to all Willpower checks.

Astral Projection

    • Description: The character can project their consciousness into the astral plane for reconnaissance.
    • Effect: Project your astral form to explore distant places or communicate with spirits.

Tier 3

Master Summoner

    • Description: The character can summon multiple spirits at once or more powerful spirits.
    • Effect: Summon two low-level spirits or one high-level spirit to assist in combat for one round.

Spirit Banishment

    • Description: The character can banish high-level spirits with ease.
    • Effect: Gain Advantage on checks to banish high-level spirits.

Astral Mastery

    • Description: The character can act more swiftly while in the astral plane.
    • Effect: Gain an additional action when fighting in the astral plane.

Tier 4

Ethereal Command

    • Description: The character can command spirits to perform complex tasks or attack with precision.
    • Effect: Gain +2 bonus to command spirits to perform specific tasks.

Astral Conduit

    • Description: The character can channel astral energy into physical form, empowering their attacks.
    • Effect: Gain +2 bonus to physical attacks while channeling astral energy.

Tier 5

Supreme Spirit Mastery

    • Description: The character can summon the most powerful spirits capable of altering the battlefield.
    • Effect: Summon a high-level spirit capable of altering the environment or battlefield for one encounter.

Astral Guardian

    • Description: The character has a permanent guardian spirit that protects them in both the physical and astral realms.
    • Effect: Gain a guardian spirit that automatically defends you in the astral or physical realm.


Group 10 Spellcasting WIP

Specializes in casting spells across different disciplines, including combat magic, healing, and enchantment. Characters manipulate magical energy to create various effects.

Tier 1

Elemental Bolt

    • Description: The character can cast a basic elemental attack (fire, ice, or lightning) at their foes.
    • Effect: Cast a bolt of elemental energy that deals 1d6 elemental damage (choose the element when casting).

Healing Touch

    • Description: The character can restore a small amount of health to themselves or an ally through magical healing.
    • Effect: Restore 1d6 Health to yourself or one ally within touch range.

Enchant Item

    • Description: The character can temporarily enchant an object or weapon, granting it magical properties for a short time.
    • Effect: Enchant a weapon or item to gain +1 to attack or defense for the next combat encounter.

Mana Shield

    • Description: The character can create a weak magical shield that absorbs incoming damage.
    • Effect: Create a shield that absorbs 5 damage from any attack. The shield lasts until the damage is absorbed or the encounter ends.

Tier 2

Chain Lightning

    • Description: The character can cast a lightning spell that jumps between multiple targets, hitting several enemies in quick succession.
    • Effect: Deal 1d6 lightning damage to one target, then jump to two additional targets within 10 meters, dealing half damage to each.

Greater Heal

    • Description: The character can restore moderate health to multiple allies through a powerful healing spell.
    • Effect: Heal up to 3 allies within 10 meters, restoring 2d6 Health to each.

Aura of Protection

    • Description: The character can grant nearby allies enhanced defense against physical and magical attacks.
    • Effect: Allies within 10 meters gain +2 to all defenses for one round.

Arcane Blast

    • Description: The character can release a blast of pure magical energy, damaging all enemies in range.
    • Effect: Deal 2d6 magic damage to all enemies within a 5-meter radius.

Tier 3


    • Description: The character can summon a powerful storm of fire that damages all enemies in a large area.
    • Effect: Deal 3d6 fire damage to all enemies within a 10-meter radius. Enemies must make a Resilience check or suffer Burning status for one round.


    • Description: The character can cast a spell that continuously heals themselves or an ally over time.
    • Effect: Restore 1d6 Health at the end of each round for up to 3 rounds.

Mass Enchant

    • Description: The character can enchant multiple weapons or objects at once for a limited time.
    • Effect: Enchant up to 3 weapons or items at once, granting +2 to attack or defense rolls for one combat encounter.

Tier 4


    • Description: The character can summon seismic magic to destabilize the battlefield, damaging and stunning enemies.
    • Effect: Deal 3d6 physical damage to all enemies within a 15-meter radius. Enemies must make a Resilience check or become Stunned for one round.

Divine Intervention

    • Description: The character can call upon divine magic to instantly heal and protect an ally from death.
    • Effect: Heal one ally within 5 meters to full Health and grant them immunity to all damage for one round.

Tier 5

Reality Warp

    • Description: The character can manipulate the very fabric of reality, changing elements of the battlefield or negating incoming attacks.
    • Effect: Once per encounter, alter the battlefield, creating difficult terrain, sealing exits, or negating one powerful attack.

Ultimate Elemental Mastery

    • Description: The character can cast a devastating elemental spell of any type with maximum power.
    • Effect: Cast an elemental spell (fire, ice, lightning, etc.) dealing 5d6 damage to all enemies within a 20-meter radius. Enemies suffer Disadvantage on any attempt to resist the spell's effects.


Group 11 Matrix WIP

Specializes in hacking, Matrix combat, data manipulation, and cyberwarfare. Characters interact with the digital world, infiltrating networks, and controlling devices remotely.

Tier 1

Basic Hack

    • Description: The character can hack into low-security systems with ease, gaining access to basic functions.
    • Effect: Make a Hacking check to bypass low-level security protocols on a device or network.

Data Surge

    • Description: The character can overload a system with data, causing minor disruptions or confusion.
    • Effect: Overload a system, causing it to malfunction for 1 round (e.g., cameras go offline, doors lock, etc.).

Matrix Perception

    • Description: The character can perceive hidden data or weaknesses in digital structures, giving them an edge in the Matrix.
    • Effect: Gain Advantage on checks to spot hidden data, traps, or vulnerabilities in the Matrix.

Signal Boost

    • Description: The character can boost their signal strength or hacking range, allowing them to operate from farther distances.
    • Effect: Increase your hacking range by 50% or boost your connection strength, reducing the chance of interference or disconnection.

Tier 2

Firewall Bypass

    • Description: The character can hack into more secure systems, gaining access to restricted data.
    • Effect: Make a Hacking check with Advantage to bypass secure firewalls and access restricted systems.

Matrix Combatant

    • Description: The character gains bonuses in virtual combat, allowing them to damage enemy avatars or systems.
    • Effect: Gain +2 bonus to attack and defense rolls when engaging in Matrix combat.

Data Steal

    • Description: The character can steal valuable information from secure systems without leaving a trace.
    • Effect: Gain Advantage on checks to steal data without alerting security or leaving a digital trace.


    • Description: The character can manipulate the Matrix without the use of traditional tools, accessing systems through sheer willpower.
    • Effect: Gain the ability to hack systems or interact with the Matrix using Willpower instead of conventional tools.

Tier 3


    • Description: The character can launch powerful attacks on enemy networks, shutting down systems or inflicting damage.
    • Effect: Deal 1d6 damage to enemy systems or avatars in Matrix combat. This damage bypasses standard defenses.

Network Control

    • Description: The character can take control of a network or device, bending it to their will.
    • Effect: Gain control of one networked device or system for 1 round. You can force it to perform actions within its capabilities.

Advanced Technomancy

    • Description: The character can manipulate the Matrix on a larger scale, affecting entire networks or regions.
    • Effect: Gain the ability to manipulate or control an entire network or multiple systems at once for 1 round.

Tier 4

Total System Override

    • Description: The character can gain complete control over any digital system for a limited time.
    • Effect: Gain control over any system for 1 round. This can include security, communications, or defense systems.

Virtual Invulnerability

    • Description: The character becomes nearly immune to most Matrix-based attacks for a short time.
    • Effect: Gain immunity to all Matrix-based attacks for 1 round.

Tier 5

Matrix God

    • Description: The character can dominate the Matrix, controlling entire networks and systems at will.
    • Effect: Gain control over an entire Matrix region or network for 1 encounter. You can override all systems within the network.

Cyber Ghost

    • Description: The character can remain undetectable in the Matrix, allowing them to operate without fear of being tracked or attacked.
    • Effect: Gain invisibility in the Matrix, making you undetectable to both systems and enemy hackers for 1 encounter.

Group 12 Vechicle/Drone WIP

Specializes in piloting vehicles, controlling drones, and managing complex machinery. Characters can operate, repair, and optimize vehicles and drones, excelling in remote operations.

Tier 1

Basic Drone Command

    • Description: The character can control simple drones, giving them basic commands for surveillance or tasks.
    • Effect: Gain the ability to command one low-level drone to perform basic tasks, such as surveillance or minor repairs.

Vehicle Maneuvering

    • Description: The character is skilled at piloting vehicles, gaining bonuses to speed and control.
    • Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to vehicle handling checks for speed and maneuvering.

Mechanical Repair

    • Description: The character can repair minor damage to drones or vehicles in the field.
    • Effect: Repair 1d6 damage to a drone or vehicle during combat.

Drone Spotter

    • Description: The character can use drones to enhance vision or reconnaissance over a large area.
    • Effect: Gain +2 bonus to Perception checks when using drones for reconnaissance.

Tier 2

Advanced Drone Command

    • Description: The character can control more advanced drones, giving them more complex orders.
    • Effect: Gain the ability to command higher-tier drones to perform more complex tasks or engage in combat.

Vehicle Evasion

    • Description: The character is skilled at avoiding enemy fire or obstacles while piloting a vehicle.
    • Effect: Gain +2 bonus to vehicle defense checks to avoid enemy fire or navigate dangerous terrain.


    • Description: The character can push a drone or vehicle beyond its normal limits, improving performance temporarily.
    • Effect: Gain +2 to attack rolls or speed when controlling a drone or vehicle for 1 round.

Remote Override

    • Description: The character can take control of enemy drones or vehicles for a short time.
    • Effect: Gain control of one enemy drone or vehicle for 1 round. The original operator can make a Willpower check to resist.

Tier 3

Swarm Command

    • Description: The character can control multiple drones at once, coordinating them for maximum efficiency.
    • Effect: Command up to 3 drones at once, giving them coordinated orders for 1 round.

Vehicle Combat Mastery

    • Description: The character gains bonuses when using a vehicle in combat, improving both weapons and defenses.
    • Effect: Gain +2 to attack rolls and defense checks when using vehicle-mounted weapons.

Drone Combat Specialist

    • Description: The character’s drones can engage in direct combat, dealing significant damage to enemies.
    • Effect: Gain +2 to attack rolls when commanding drones in combat.

Tier 4 Talents

Vehicle Supremacy

    • Description: The character has achieved near-perfection in vehicle operations, dominating the battlefield from their vehicle.
    • Effect: Gain +4 to all vehicle-related actions for 1 encounter.

Advanced Swarm Command

    • Description: The character can control a large number of drones, coordinating devastating attacks.
    • Effect: Command up to 6 drones to attack multiple targets or perform complex tasks.

Tier 5 Talents

Omnidrone Control

    • Description: The character can control an unlimited number of drones within a large area, allowing them to command a full fleet.
    • Effect: Gain control of any number of drones within a 1 km radius, commanding them to attack or perform tasks.

Supreme Pilot

    • Description: The character’s skill with vehicles is unmatched, allowing them to perform impossible maneuvers.
    • Effect: Perform any maneuver with a vehicle without penalty, even in extreme conditions.

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