Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Character creation


Real samurai need no guns

In this system, players choose from six categories to allocate priorities (A to F), with each priority determining how much power, flexibility, or resources a character has in that area. The available categories are:

  1. Attributes
  2. Skills
  3. Metatype (with Talents)
  4. Resources
  5. Magic/Resonance
  6. Renown

Step-by-Step Character Creation

Step 1: Assign Priorities (A-F)

Each player assigns a unique priority to the six categories. No two categories can have the same priority, and Priority A represents the highest allocation while Priority F is the lowest.

1. Attributes Priority

  • Priority A grants 48 attribute points.
  • Priority B grants 40 attribute points.
  • Priority C grants 32 attribute points.
  • Priority D grants 28 attribute points.
  • Priority E grants 24 attribute points.
  • Priority F grants 20 attribute points.

Attribute Purchase Costs:

  • Attributes start at 1 (for baseline humans), with a maximum of 6.
  • Raising an attribute from 1 to 2, or from 2 to 3, costs 1 point.
  • Raising an attribute from 3 to 4, or from 4 to 5, costs 2 points.
  • Raising an attribute from 5 to 6 costs 3 points.

2. Skills Priority

  • Priority A grants 88 skill points.
  • Priority B grants 72 skill points.
  • Priority C grants 56 skill points.
  • Priority D grants 48 skill points.
  • Priority E grants 40 skill points.
  • Priority F grants 32 skill points.

Skill Purchase Costs:

  • Raising a skill to rank 1 or 2 costs 1 point per rank.
  • Raising a skill to rank 3 or 4 costs 2 points per rank.
  • Raising a skill to rank 5 costs 3 points.

3. Metatype (with Talents)

  • Humans with Priority A gain 9 talent points.
  • Humans with Priority B gain 7 talent points.
  • Humans with Priority C gain 5 talent points.
  • Humans with Priority D gain 3 talent points.
  • Humans with Priority E gain 1 talent point.
  • Humans with Priority F gain 0 talent points.
  • Elves with Priority A gain 8 talent points.
  • Elves with Priority B gain 6 talent points.
  • Elves with Priority C gain 3 talent points.
  • Elves with Priority D gain 0 talent points.
  • Dwarves with Priority A gain 7 talent points.
  • Dwarves with Priority B gain 4 talent points.
  • Dwarves with Priority C gain 1 talent point.
  • Dwarves with Priority D gain 0 talent points.
  • Orks with Priority A gain 7 talent points.
  • Orks with Priority B gain 4 talent points.
  • Orks with Priority C gain 0 talent points.
  • Trolls with Priority A gain 5 talent points.
  • Trolls with Priority B gain 0 talent points.

Description: Talent Points replace the traditional special attribute points and are used to purchase Tier 1 (1-point) and Tier 2 (3-point) talents during character creation. Characters can customize their abilities based on their metatype, with higher priorities granting access to more powerful talents.

4. Resources Priority

  • Priority A grants 650,000¥.
  • Priority B grants 400,000¥.
  • Priority C grants 250,000¥.
  • Priority D grants 150,000¥.
  • Priority E grants 50,000¥.
  • Priority F grants 5,000¥.

Description: Resources determine how much money your character has to spend on gear, cyberware, vehicles, and lifestyle. Higher priorities provide more nuyen for better equipment, while lower priorities limit available resources.

5. Magic/Resonance Priority

Mages (including shamans) and Mystic adepts:

Mystic adepts also get the ability to purchase Physical Adept Talents, but suffer a reduction in their effective Magic rating if they do.

  • Priority A grants Magic Rating 6, two magic skills at rank 5, and access to 10 tier 1 spells.
  • Priority B grants Magic Rating 4, two magic skills at rank 4,  and access to 8 tier 1 spells.
  • Priority C grants Magic Rating 3, two magic skills at rank 3,  and access to 6 tier 1 spells.
  • Priority D grants Magic Rating 2, two magic skills at rank 2,  and access to 4 tier 1 spells.

Physical Adepts:

  • Priority B grants Magic Rating 6,  two active skills at rank 5, and the ability to purchase Physical Adept Talents.
  • Priority C grants Magic Rating 4,  two active skills at rank 4, and the ability to purchase Physical Adept Talents.
  • Priority D grants Magic Rating 3, two active skills at rank 3, and the ability to purchase Physical Adept Talents.
  • Priority E grants Magic Rating 2, two active skills at rank 2, and the ability to purchase Physical Adept Talents.


  • Priority B grants Resonance Rating 6, two Matrix skills at rank 5, and access to 5 Complex Forms.
  • Priority C grants Resonance Rating 4, two Matrix skills at rank 4,  and access to 4 Complex Forms.
  • Priority D grants Resonance Rating 3, two Matrix skills at rank 3,  and access to 3 Complex Forms.
  • Priority E grants Resonance Rating 2, two Matrix skills at rank 2,  and access to 2 Complex Forms.

Physical Adept and Technomancer:

  • Priority A splits between Magic and Resonance, granting a 6/4 or 5/5 split, two Matrix or Magic skills at rank 5, and access to 4 Complex Forms.
  • Priority B splits between Magic and Resonance, granting a 5/3 or 4/4 split, two Matrix or Magic skills at rank 4, and access to 3 Complex Forms.
  • Priority C splits between Magic and Resonance, granting a 4/2 or 3/3 split, two Matrix or Magic skills at rank 3, and access to 2 Complex Forms.
  • Priority D splits between Magic and Resonance, granting a 3/1 or 2/2 split, two Matrix or Magic skills at rank 2, and access to 1 Complex Forms.

Mage and Technomancer:

  • Priority A splits between Magic and Resonance, granting a 5/4 split, two Matrix or Magic skills at rank 5,  and access to 8 tier 1 spells and 4 Complex Forms.
  • Priority B splits between Magic and Resonance, granting a 4/3 split, two Matrix or Magic skills at rank 4, and access to 6 tier 1 spells and 3 Complex Forms.
  • Priority C splits between Magic and Resonance, granting a 3/2 split, two Matrix or Magic skills at rank 3, and access to 4 tier 1 spells and 2 Complex Forms.

Non-Magical Characters: Characters with no Magic/Resonance are considered non-magical, but characters who put an E into this category during character creation can later pursue magical careers.

6. Renown Priority

  • Priority A grants access to top-paying jobs, elite contacts, and strong negotiating power.
  • Priority B grants access to good-paying jobs and strong connections.
  • Priority C grants access to moderate-paying jobs and reliable contacts.
  • Priority D grants entry-level work and minimal reputation.
  • Priority E means the character is largely unknown and gets low-level jobs with few or weak contacts.
  • Priority F means the character is totally unknown and works under the radar with minimal connections.

Description: Renown determines how famous or infamous your character is and how well-connected they are. Characters with high Renown get access to better jobs, higher pay, and more powerful contacts, while those with low Renown must work to build their reputation.

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